You do understand, it's a bit hard in that way. Plus all the looking up words and correct spelling on Google since there is no spell checker here. Every post is an effort.
As for the offtopic, I simply said that though I like to laugh at scams and the gulible, I'm bummed out when I think there are vulnerable groups who are targeted more than others, namely the elderly, and its not a laughing matter.
I'm very aware Norman is reversing what I say and just outhright trolling and threadcrapping. It's what he does, he gets off on it. When I joined the forum I noticed there was a 'fun sport' to provoke someone into angry defensive post so they get banned or scolded by the mods. In one month of membership I got called a Nazi and warned by JD for being unpleasant to my attackers. No more active policing now so the retired 'athletes' are bored and need to stretch from time to time and fu*k up someones day.