Rega Hum, AGAIN!!!!!


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2012
Sorry to bring this up again but my Rp1 is buzzing 🙄
It gets louder when the arm nears the deck spindle and also the buzz increases a lot when I touch the outer body of the Fono mini preamp.
I've put a ground lead from the Fono casing to the metal frame of my marantz nr1200 to no avail.
I have a ground loop isolator arriving tomorrow from amazon so I'm hopeful that may lessen the buzz, just wondered if anyone has any other ideas.
CD, Streaming or any of the other inputs suffer no buzz at all.
Instead of the Marantz, try connecting the lead to mains earth to see what happens.

Those uncertain how to connect safely to mains earth should not try such experimentation.
Is that when you run the wire from the Fono minis casing to the earth of a 3 pin plug and plug into the mains?
Thanks for the reply, BTW 😁
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Is that when you run the wire from the Fono minis casing to the earth of a 3 pin plug and plug into the mains?
Thanks for the reply, BTW 😁
No need for anything permanent just to try.

While holding the insulation of the wire (so you're not adding to the hum), you can touch the bare wire end onto the earth of a (UK) socket.
(The top earth terminal has exposed metal - unlike the other two, that should always be shuttered - with no plug inserted).

No harm in trying.
Only if it cures, then think about making it (safely) permanent 👍.
No need for anything permanent just to try.

While holding the insulation of the wire (so you're not adding to the hum), you can touch the bare wire end onto the earth of a (UK) socket.
(The top earth terminal has exposed metal - unlike the other two, that should always be shuttered - with no plug inserted).

No harm in trying.
Only if it cures, then think about making it (safely) permanent 👍.
I'll try that, cheers 👍
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Google Rega hum About 1,330,000 results
Rega use a Unique ( Stupid ) 2 wire phono cable , Industry standard 3 wires for 70years
No balanced XLR options
Cant use current transimpedance phono stages
Ground loops
Can you borrow Any turntable & hum will go away
Hum gets louder as you reach the motor , Rega do not sheild motors & yes you guessed it sheilding is industry standard
Fitted $32 humbucker recently to my £12,000 Naiad as even Rega cartridge hum on rega turntables

hum download (1).jpg
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Last thing you want is Ground Loops , Ground loop isolator can cure a problem that should not exsist in the 1st place even a £200 P1 or £12,000 Rega Niaad will Hum
one mans Quiirky Design is another mans Design fault

Just installed the Humbucker on my Rega P2 with Exact 2 cartridge. It ABSOLUTELY worked to substantially reduce the hum that increases as the cartridge approaches the center of the record."
"Thanks for the speedy delivery of my humbucker, Wow! it actually works, I wasn’t expecting it to be that good tbh. I've installed it on a $5k Rega P10."
"I Exact2 on a Rega P3, bought one of these and it actually works pretty well. It doesn't do miracles, it doesn't eliminate hum, but quiets it enough that I no longer notice at the end of record sides."

ground loop or earth loop occurs when two points of a circuit are intended to have the same ground reference potential but instead have a different potential between them. This is typically caused when enough current is flowing in the connection between the two ground points to produce a voltage drop and cause two points to be at different potentials. Current may be produced in a circular ground connection (ground loop) by electromagnetic induction.

Ground loops are a major cause of noise, hum, and interference in audio, video, and computer systems. Wiring practices that protect against ground loops include ensuring that all vulnerable signal circuits are referenced to one point as ground. The use of differential signaling can provide rejection of ground-induced interference. Removal of safety ground connections to equipment in an effort to eliminate ground loops also eliminates the protection the safety ground connection is intended to provide.
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The ground loop achieved nothing.
I may just live with the hum.
It's not that audible until it hits 7 on the voulume, I only use it at 6 max usually so it's probably just annoying because I know it's there 🙄
A few years back my Rega developed a hum. It turned out to be a damaged wire to the cartridge, I think just behind the bung. After a rewire of the tonearm the hum went away.

If you are near a Rega dealer, it might be worth popping in for a chat It is quite likely they'll have come across such issues before.
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A few years back my Rega developed a hum. It turned out to be a damaged wire to the cartridge, I think just behind the bung. After a rewire of the tonearm the hum went away.

If you are near a Rega dealer, it might be worth popping in for a chat It is quite likely they'll have come across such issues before.
Cheers for the tip👍
For what its worth, here's what Shure has to say on the issue:

Many folks never check their home power sockets for correct polarity (testers are cheap). I once knew a building inspector that told me that many new homes often have some sockets incorrectly wired by electricians who are just in a hurry... who would even think to check them all?
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For what its worth, here's what Shure has to say on the issue:

Many folks never check their home power sockets for correct polarity (testers are cheap). I once knew a building inspector that told me that many new homes often have some sockets incorrectly wired by electricians who are just in a hurry... who would even think to check them all?
I do, with a tester I’ve had for at least thirty years. Ditto mains blocks and extension leads. But I realise I’m in a minority.

Sometimes, just plugging kit into different mains sockets can reduce residual noise, but though it achieves a result it always concerns me what aspect of the wiring is flaky!


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