Subwoofer buzzing when sub filter disabled


New member
Aug 10, 2019

I am having an issue with my subwoofer (BK XLS200-DF) buzzing when in use, which is connected to my Onkyo 875 receiver using a low-level connection.

Removing the subwoofer cable removes the majority of the buzzing and there is a slight buzz coming from the subwoofers PSU but is not audible from my normal seated position. This would suggest a ground loop hum/buzz, I have tried a ground loop isolator but this only amplified the buzzing and made it worse.

I have also unplugged all my appliances and left just the receiver and subwoofer connected up and the buzz exists whilst the receiver outputs a signal.

I have also tried extra grounding on the subwoofer using the ground wire only from a spare plug, this makes no difference.

What I recently found is that if I turn on the filter on the subwoofer the buzz disappears. From my understanding it is recommended that the filter is switched off whilst using low-level and let the receiver do all the bass management. Though this appears to introduce the buzzing.

Any suggestions on how to eliminate the buzzing to allow my receiver to the bass management or should I just let the subwoofer filter do the work. In comparison would the subwoofer filter compare to the receiver controlling the bass?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Stumbled upon my own post whilst I was looking for a solution to this issue and realised I never got any replies.

All of the above still applies though I noticed that if my sister use's her hair dryer or straighteners in the other room the buzzing from the subwoofer is amplified and is very audible. It makes no difference if the subwoofer is connected upto the receiver or not and it happens if only the subwoofer is plugged in with power going to it.

Would this suggest a problem on the mains which is near on impossible to resolve or a faulty subwoofer?

have you tried a different sub cable? I had a crappy one which worked okay, but upgraded to Chord Crimson and had a terrible hum. the crimson was tested and replaced and have had no issues since.
Don,t know wether this will help at all but i used to have a similar problem with my kef 2005 system but only in my old house whenever my sub was liked up i had a continuous buzz from my sub.I took my sub to another family member where it worked just fine but again when i checked it again on my set up the buzzing re- occured i then went to the extra expense of updating my receiver thinking that was the problem however connecting my new Denon receiver the buzzing again happened.

Following tha i spoke to KEF who asked me how old the house was i was living in which was built in 1935.They advised me that it was more than likely an earth problem with my house and to remove the earth wire from the plug on my sub.Hey presto no more buzzing and has been fine for the last seven years.

Hope this may help
Although 'the mains' are all connected, you may be 'too close' to your sister's plug i.e. either your or her plug is a 'spur' (powered from another socket, rather than on the ring-main) or her (or your) products aren't self-filtered. (were they 'cheap'?) The best alternative is to power your stereo from elsewhere, but as this can be expensive, a mains filter for your hi-fi should sort it all out. Alternatively, you could move, or get your sister to move?


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