Sorry Mitch, I had an early start today, so I missed your message. Hopefully catch you next time?
Did you pay a visit to Lock up?
You get any goodies?
No, unfortunately I never got that far. I was to pay a visit to a one my guys but didn't realise they were pulling up the road by Warrior Square so gave up, on the plus side I got home to find that postie had delivered the Doors LP
Have you played 'LA Woman' yet? 'Riders On The Storm' sounds great.
Not as yet, just played the first track as a tester but hopefully at the weekend when I might get some 'me' time I might just get a chance.
Sorry Mitch, I had an early start today, so I missed your message. Hopefully catch you next time?
Did you pay a visit to Lock up?
You get any goodies?
No, unfortunately I never got that far. I was to pay a visit to a one my guys but didn't realise they were pulling up the road by Warrior Square so gave up, on the plus side I got home to find that postie had delivered the Doors LP

Have you played 'LA Woman' yet? 'Riders On The Storm' sounds great.
Not as yet, just played the first track as a tester but hopefully at the weekend when I might get some 'me' time I might just get a chance.