Sorry Mitch, I had an early start today, so I missed your message. Hopefully catch you next time?
Did you pay a visit to Lock up?
You get any goodies?
No, unfortunately I never got that far. I was to pay a visit to a one my guys but didn't realise they were pulling up the road by Warrior Square so gave up, on the plus side I got home to find that postie had delivered the Doors LP
By the way Bretty, slightly off subject, but my wife has been nagging me to get a CD player so I've bitten the bullet and bought a Rotel RCD-991 to match my amp, good buy??
Mitch, are you kidding? If you've really bought a 991, then you've bought one of the best players there are. Full Stop. It was Rotel's 'cost no object' stab at high end, and it worked. Big time. When you open it up, you see it's full of high end components, like Blackgate caps, that are usually reserved for silly money high end stuff.
It has the most realistic vocal reproduction of any player i've ever listened to. And strings through this thing are blooming amazing. To stop myself going on too much, i'll just say that it doesn't have a weakness, it's the full package.
They are a bit like hens teeth, so, where did you get it and what did you pay? If you don't mind me asking?!
Saw it on ebay, apparently mint, boxed, decided I like the amp too much to sell (so much for a stop-gap!) so £300 thankyou very much
That's a good price, Mitch. Well done. There should be a great synergy between it and the Rotel amp.