Projector bulb life


New member
Sep 23, 2015
Hi, I have a BenQ 1070+. I'm concerned about the bulb life and cost, so when the kids stop for dinner etc for half hour or so, should I be getting them to switch it off or does this in fact add more used hours? The hours used only display full hours, so do the remaining hours add one every time it's switched on or do they take into account every minute or say 15 mins?

You need to treat the PJ bulb well - I wouldnt keep turning it off and on if you can get away with it.

Better to leave it on than quickly shut it off then back on again.

However if there is time for the bulb to cool down then its fine to shut it off obviously - but trying to cut bulb time down by saving 5 mins here and there I dont think is advised
Constant on and off cycles will kill any lightbulb far quicker than leaving it on all the time.

It's not the electricity going through the bulb, nor the light photons flying off it that do the damage. Rather it's the heat up / cool down cycles.


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