Proac Studio 140 Mk2 ? Yes or no


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May 2, 2010
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I've had my CM7s almost a year now but I must admit I'm continually drawn to the Proacs in the title. I had originally planned to add to my Musical Fidelity XA2 with either a pair of XA50s or XA200s, but kept getting outbid and was a little reluctant to pay the high prices demanded for quite old electronics. Anyway I've purchased a Roksan kandy K2 integrated 1. For it's increased power and 2. To fit aesthetically with the CDP. However, the Proac itch is still there and I'm on the verge of asking my local shop for a demo. With the kandy int and also bi-amped with the matching power amp and then comparing the two. Hopefully I might get a good trade in for my CM7s. Does anyone have any thoughts / experience on the match. Anything else to consider, perhaps CM9s ?


The first thing to do before you go, is realise that the Studio 140's will sound totally unlike your CM's. B&W are more on the side of being 'hard edged' and sharp, the ProAcs are completely the opposite, though they don't spare detail or texture at any expense.

I think that they'd be great with your setup, they'd make the Roksan's feel much more musical and involving. Ask for a home demo, as this is an itch definetly worth scratching :).

Frank Harvey

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Bear in mind though, that the new Studio 110's and 140's, and the new Tablettes, are all a little less laid back than the majority of ProAc products. The newer stuff is much more lively and open thanks to new drivers and larger HF units.


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May 2, 2010
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Thanks so much for the replies. As I don't listen for extended periods, I do like the sound to be quite upfront. @ Darren. Do you think I should consider bi-amping by also adding a K2 power amp ? If I'm very honest (and I don't think many are about hi-fi). I think the CM7s were more suited to the MF, than the K2. I haven't used this shop before (Audio T in Swindon), what do you think chances are of letting me have a home demo ?


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May 18, 2010
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richardw42 said:
perhaps CM9s ?

I had CM7s in the past and then upgraded to CM9s.. Though the midrange is good, the top end is always bright and almost unbearable with the CM range. However with the Proacs the sound character is very different detailed and enjoyable (especially from the D Two that I have).

Even today I keep wondering why did I put up with the CM range for so long! I fall into the category where Pioneer is bright and Marantz is on the edge on birghtness and Denon is warm (Possibly my ears are too senitive for the high frequency). Further to add, CM7 bass is barely under control!


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Jan 10, 2011
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I am looking to get the Proac's to go with my caspian, I demo'd many speakers and apart from the Response D18's the 140's were easily the best I heard.
I like my music to be quite heavy on bass and punchy but I thought the proac's had a much classier smoother sound than the cm 8's, monitor audios that I listened to.
Two other speakers I liked were the pmc gb1i but not enough bass but lovely smooth sound and dynaudio x32's, more bass than pmc but a bit rougher,more attacking in delivery but not quite right for me.
As soon as I heard the 140's I knew they were right for what I wanted to hear and did not find them at all fatiguing esp compared with rx8's,
Most definitely demo, I didn't try cm9's as they were too big but if they are similar in character to the cm8's I think you will be impressed by the 140's.
Good luck. will be interested in your thoughts, all ears are different.


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Jan 10, 2011
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Hi again,

The other speaker I felt bettered the cm 8's quite easily was the Audio Vector Ki3, I thought the bass was strong ,much better controlled than the cm and much smoother top end.
I personally still prefer the Proac's but if you can find these to audition certainly worth a go.
Have fun


richardw42 said:
Thanks so much for the replies. As I don't listen for extended periods, I do like the sound to be quite upfront. @ Darren. Do you think I should consider bi-amping by also adding a K2 power amp ? If I'm very honest (and I don't think many are about hi-fi). I think the CM7s were more suited to the MF, than the K2. I haven't used this shop before (Audio T in Swindon), what do you think chances are of letting me have a home demo ?

I don't think Bi-amping will do a huge amount to them to be honest. They're quite easy to drive and really don't need a ton of power to work well.

The B&W's are quite hard edged and MF are very slightly warm sounding, so I suspect that this is why they'd suit MF a lot more than the Roksan which is more of a neutral sound. This is why I thought the ProAcs would work well, as you'd keep the slightly laid back approach, but not lose any detail at all, infact you'd gain a lot more texture in the music with the ProAc's.

If Audio-T use the same demo policy as Sevenoaks (which they should, its the same parent company now) then you just pay for a pair, take theirs home to demo, then if you like them, they'll order you in a set and when they arrive, you take their demo set back and get your brand spanking new ones. Or if you don't like them, take them back, and they'll refund it straight away.


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Please don't tut :) I might have to review my wish for floor standers in the lounge. Reason - I have a greyhound who's excellent in the house but a friend brought her two little dogs round the other day. They were a bit excited about seeing such a tall dog, and when we weren't looking one of them had a pee. This time it was agaistt a storage cabinet but pretty close to the speakers so got away with it to be honest. I'd rather they did it against a stand rather than a wood cabinet. So my thinking is a pair of k2 speakers, or even Monitor Audio gs10. I know I've done an about turn and i might just need to be more vigilant next time.


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Hi all. I'm probably being paranoid but upon investigation the Spaniels had had several pees. One of them on my speakers. They'll be here quite often so I'm baulking at providing a pair of £1700 pee posts for them. Also on Thursday night my dog fractured a bone and so far it's been £420 with prob a couple of hundred to come. I am insured but have to wait to be refunded. To that end I've purchased a pair of ex demo gs10s in piano black with 3 year warranty for under £600 and got a brand new pair of GS stands for £125 (see Hot Deals). I'm sure the Proac fixation is here for a while.


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richardw42 said:
Hi all. I'm probably being paranoid but upon investigation the Spaniels had had several pees. One of them on my speakers. They'll be here quite often so I'm baulking at providing a pair of £1700 pee posts for them. Also on Thursday night my dog fractured a bone and so far it's been £420 with prob a couple of hundred to come. I am insured but have to wait to be refunded. To that end I've purchased a pair of ex demo gs10s in piano black with 3 year warranty for under £600 and got a brand new pair of GS stands for £125 (see Hot Deals). I'm sure the Proac fixation is here for a while.

I don't know if this is a totally bonkers idea, but could you temporarily put Clingfilm over the part of the speaker that is in danger, while the dogs are there (even though you probably feel like putting it over the offending part of the dog! :) )


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May 2, 2010
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Cno - that's very practical, lateral thinking. Why can't I do that :(. Well the MAs are bought now and I'm a bit of a MA fan I'm not regretting it. I just think I need to move from the CMs. Think stand mounts could be alright as when I sold a pair of BR1s recently I tested on my hi fi and was astonished at how capable they were. It seems some speakers, even quite humble ones really can shine with cd/amp upgrades.


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