lcd4ever:Whats the newe "Predator" movie like....? I loved the original, absolutely hated "2", never wasted time watching any of the Alien vs rubbish; so to get the box set the third movie would have to be at least 'watchable' to justify £23 on the box set.....
Its a 5 out of 10 at best - it tries to capture some elements of the original film, but lacks any real plot, and makes the Predators far to easy to kill!!
I wouldn't dismiss AVP until you've seen it. As long as you watch it with the view that its a seperate film, and not trying to follow on from either Aliens or Predator, its very watchable!
That said, Predator, what a film! I know Arnie is never going to win an Oscar for an acting performance, but that film, even when I watch it now, is timeless. You watch other older films with SFX and they look dated, but Predator still looks fresh . . . I grew up on these films and they're great!
Has anybody watched the US blu-ray release of Terminator? Another must own me thinks...