Power cable

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Out of curiosity how many people have their full system all wired up with cable from one range from a manufacturer???

I have never done that. I have all my cables power inc from one manufacturer (not all same range) but even then I have other diy and other cables in there.
nopiano said:
The sometimes pilloried Russ Andrews used to demo his cheapest "yello" mains cable at hifi shows, using a ghetto blaster. It was quite obviously better with his cable rather than the stock one. I've no idea if it was trickery that escaped me, but it was clear enough to everyone there.

I've recently been re-reading some of his articles about room and speakers setup, which make a lot of sense. I actually think he has a lot of knowledge, but I'm well aware how much cable threads degenerate.

All it takes to run a scam business is reasonable doubt and peoples greed. Slight of hand helps with the first one but even without it things can run smoothly. Remember what PT Barnum said.
ellisdj said:
You have to try a few to make sure you cover all the bases. Maybe the ones tested were no better than cheap ones dressed up so thats why you heard no difference. However maybe others are not. For that reason it makes sense to try out a few to make sure. Now days this is very easy and there abundance of ones to try - but trying 2 different manufacturers £100 models is not the same as ine manufacturers £100 and £1000 models being tested.

The other thing needed to be done for sure is wire the whole system up with said cabling and try that. Thats a proper can I hear a difference test

As per highlighted statement - all cables are different if from different manufacturers. The only thing that can make a difference is the physics of the cable.

You stated "but trying 2 different manufacturers £100 models is not the same as ine manufacturers £100 and £1000 models being tested".

Why will cables costing the same from different manufacturers sound the same ?.

You have stated that more expensive cables will sound different. Why ???

It can only be physics that make the difference - so why do you associate cost of a cable with it definitely sounding different ?.

People automatically assume that if something costs more it is better. There is no evidence from cable manufacturers that their product sounds different or improves sound. They rely upon the purchasers to tell others that they do.


Slight of hand RA swapped the boom box for a full system and noone noticed.

Also they stuck a sticker on the front with a pretend volume control so they could secretly increase the volume.... come off it.

Synergistic Research have done the same sort if demo at shows using a Bose Wave Radio.
I have never said all cables make a difference compared to cheaper ones I just know some i have tested have done.
The ones that have made the most obvious difference have not all been expensive but some of the expensive ones have done as well. They have been quite dramatic hence the suggestion to at least try them if you are doing can I hear a difference test. If your not because science says they cant then fair play.
ellisdj said:
Out of curiosity how many people have their full system all wired up with cable from one range from a manufacturer???

I have never done that. I have all my cables power inc from one manufacturer (not all same range) but even then I have other diy and other cables in there.

Both my amps ive used
My hegel and also benchmark
ive, out of interest spoken to both and asked the question.

Would an aftermarket power cable improve the performance of my system?

Hegels responce was no the power cable we provide is more than good enough(and in most cases much better than aftermarket)

Benchmark - i spoke to in person and they laughed when i brought up the subject. Also said there is absolutely no gains to be made.
ellisdj said:
I have never said all cables make a difference compared to cheaper ones I just know some i have tested have done. The ones that have made the most obvious difference have not all been expensive but some of the expensive ones have done as well. They have been quite dramatic hence the suggestion to at least try them if you are doing can I hear a difference test. If your not because science says they cant then fair play.

What Ellis is trying to say is that some cables have been produced using genuine knowledge/research, whereas there are some some out there that are literally 'hi-fi jewellery'.
Andrewjvt said:
ellisdj said:
Out of curiosity how many people have their full system all wired up with cable from one range from a manufacturer???

I have never done that. I have all my cables power inc from one manufacturer (not all same range) but even then I have other diy and other cables in there.

Both my amps ive used
My hegel and also benchmark
ive, out of interest spoken to both and asked the question.

Would an aftermarket power cable improve the performance of my system?

Hegels responce was no the power cable we provide is more than good enough(and in most cases much better than aftermarket)

Benchmark - i spoke to in person and they laughed when i brought up the subject. Also said there is absolutely no gains to be made.

Contact Wilson Audio and ask them what they think?
davidf said:
What Ellis is trying to say is that some cables have been produced using genuine knowledge/research, whereas there are some some out there that are literally 'hi-fi jewellery'.

Where is the knowledge/research/design that can take power from a wall socket to an amp and improve the performance?
Andrewjvt said:
davidf said:
What Ellis is trying to say is that some cables have been produced using genuine knowledge/research, whereas there are some some out there that are literally 'hi-fi jewellery'.

Where is the knowledge/research/design that can take power from a wall socket to an amp and improve the performance?

With the exception of kef and their new reference range I have never seen anything other than listed spec and spiel for most products fot sale. Never anything more conclusive that what their saying is proven.

What's funny most people then say ignore the spec its just manipulated numbers... therefore its no better
Vladimir said:
ellisdj said:
Andrewjvt said:
ellisdj said:
Out of curiosity how many people have their full system all wired up with cable from one range from a manufacturer???

I have never done that. I have all my cables power inc from one manufacturer (not all same range) but even then I have other diy and other cables in there.

Both my amps ive used My hegel and also benchmark ive, out of interest spoken to both and asked the question.

Would an aftermarket power cable improve the performance of my system?

Hegels responce was no the power cable we provide is more than good enough(and in most cases much better than aftermarket)

Benchmark - i spoke to in person and they laughed when i brought up the subject. Also said there is absolutely no gains to be made.

Contact Wilson Audio and ask them what they think?

I did, last night at 3 am.

I said listen David, I need to know this once and for all, do cables make a difference. He said Yes Vlad, yes. They do. If it werent for audio cables his speakers would sound like 80's Aiwa car audio, because speakers don't really sound different from eachother unless you invest in quality cables with proper scientific research behind them. What's inside drivers Vlad? Wire. What's inside amps? Tonearms, cartridges... Wire! It's all wire. 

I finally went to sleep.

Wilson Audio apparently do listening tests on the solder they use and now use Transparent Opus cable in their speakers. I dont think after 30 years tons of awards and a heritage like they have they need anything that small to boost their sales
ellisdj said:
Andrewjvt said:
ellisdj said:
Out of curiosity how many people have their full system all wired up with cable from one range from a manufacturer???

I have never done that. I have all my cables power inc from one manufacturer (not all same range) but even then I have other diy and other cables in there.

Both my amps ive used My hegel and also benchmark ive, out of interest spoken to both and asked the question.

Would an aftermarket power cable improve the performance of my system?

Hegels responce was no the power cable we provide is more than good enough(and in most cases much better than aftermarket)

Benchmark - i spoke to in person and they laughed when i brought up the subject. Also said there is absolutely no gains to be made.

Contact Wilson Audio and ask them what they think?

I did, last night at 3 am.

I said listen David, I need to know this once and for all, do cables make a difference. He said Yes Vlad, yes. They do. If it werent for audiophile cables my speakers would sound like 80's Aiwa car audio, because speakers don't really sound different from eachother unless you invest in quality cables with proper scientific research behind them. What's inside drivers Vlad? Wire. What's inside amps? Tonearms, cartridges... Wire! It's all wire.

I finally went to sleep.
ellisdj said:
Vladimir said:
ellisdj said:
Andrewjvt said:
ellisdj said:
Out of curiosity how many people have their full system all wired up with cable from one range from a manufacturer???

I have never done that. I have all my cables power inc from one manufacturer (not all same range) but even then I have other diy and other cables in there.

Both my amps ive used My hegel and also benchmark ive, out of interest spoken to both and asked the question.

Would an aftermarket power cable improve the performance of my system?

Hegels responce was no the power cable we provide is more than good enough(and in most cases much better than aftermarket)

Benchmark - i spoke to in person and they laughed when i brought up the subject. Also said there is absolutely no gains to be made.

Contact Wilson Audio and ask them what they think?

I did, last night at 3 am.

I said listen David, I need to know this once and for all, do cables make a difference. He said Yes Vlad, yes. They do. If it werent for audio cables his speakers would sound like 80's Aiwa car audio, because speakers don't really sound different from eachother unless you invest in quality cables with proper scientific research behind them. What's inside drivers Vlad? Wire. What's inside amps? Tonearms, cartridges... Wire! It's all wire.

I finally went to sleep.

Wilson Audio apparently do listening tests on the solder they use and now use Transparent Opus cable in their speakers. I dont think after 30 years tons of awards and a heritage like they have they need anything that small to boost their sales

Great point. They know exactly what they are doing. Proper engineering technics such as listening to solder is what makes them differ from charlatans like JBL, ATC, Tannoy, KEF, Genelec, Neumann etc.
ellisdj said:
Vladimir said:
ellisdj said:
Andrewjvt said:
ellisdj said:
Out of curiosity how many people have their full system all wired up with cable from one range from a manufacturer???

I have never done that. I have all my cables power inc from one manufacturer (not all same range) but even then I have other diy and other cables in there.

Both my amps ive used My hegel and also benchmark ive, out of interest spoken to both and asked the question.

Would an aftermarket power cable improve the performance of my system?

Hegels responce was no the power cable we provide is more than good enough(and in most cases much better than aftermarket)

Benchmark - i spoke to in person and they laughed when i brought up the subject. Also said there is absolutely no gains to be made.

Contact Wilson Audio and ask them what they think?

I did, last night at 3 am.

I said listen David, I need to know this once and for all, do cables make a difference. He said Yes Vlad, yes. They do. If it werent for audio cables his speakers would sound like 80's Aiwa car audio, because speakers don't really sound different from eachother unless you invest in quality cables with proper scientific research behind them. What's inside drivers Vlad? Wire. What's inside amps? Tonearms, cartridges... Wire! It's all wire.

I finally went to sleep.

Wilson Audio apparently do listening tests on the solder they use and now use Transparent Opus cable in their speakers. I dont think after 30 years tons of awards and a heritage like they have they need anything that small to boost their sales

Ok, the solder aspect. This is the solder that connects the internal speaker wire to the input connector and the speaker driver.

Given that there are literally hundreds of components in an amplifier, or a cd player, etc., the solder used on the final connections in the speaker DOES have an effect on the sound?

If you do actually believe this, then all those other connections must be inferior in some way, and product manufacturers have it wrong in some way by not testing solder for their products.

Think this through, does a bit of solder have a characteristic sound or is this just marketing?

The solder is essentially there to hold in place the components or wire. The connection should be the lead of the component to the PCB, or the cable cutting into the connector (or vice versa).


Wilson audio say lots of small things add up. It can take only a very small thing and the magic is gone.
They say there are no circuit boards in their speakers all wired point to point.

So it could be over 100 solder joints so the solder matters.

Something like that anyway
Andrewjvt said:
davidf said:
What Ellis is trying to say is that some cables have been produced using genuine knowledge/research, whereas there are some some out there that are literally 'hi-fi jewellery'.

Where is the knowledge/research/design that can take power from a wall socket to an amp and improve the performance?
You'd have to ask the manufacturer that.

But think if it this way. It's not necessarily improving performance - but more a case of reducing some of the issues a mains cable may have or produce. Of course any cable will work, and will obviously meet the minimum requirements for any associated governing body, but that doesn't mean improvements (however small) can't be made...
ergo: wilson audio is high end, benchmark, hegel & bryston are ****... cause they all dismiss importance of cables

ellis: just an idea, maybe wilson audio want to sell more cables for transparent? maybe they have deal? or transparent are so reach now they don't care about sales anymore?
lpv said:
ergo: wilson audio is high end, benchmark, hegel & bryston are ****... cause they all dismiss importance of cables

ellis: just an idea, maybe wilson audio want to sell more cables for transparent opus? maybe they have deal? or transparent are so reach now they don't care about sales anymore? 

Thats very possible maybe they also own that business I dont know. But still just saying what they say they feel is important.

Ask Audio Note why they wire their products up with solid silver wire.

It would reduce their manufacturing and stock costs massively and if the products are still just as good they could still charge what they do for them?


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