please can someone stop the nightmares iam having ? iam pretty new to the av world ,,but iam now truely addicted,, iam learning lots but have so many questions id like to ask,,so i thought you may be able to help ?.. i have / or did have till i dropped it !!! DOH ! PFL7692philips ambielight 32inch..onkyo 605 amp.with tannoy efx 5.1 speakers.and onkyo dvsp405 dvd player, recentley i purchased the ps3 so i can now play hd dvds,, thanks to your magazines ive spent a fortune ! but hey its so much fun and thanks for turning me into a total av addict,, my first question is --and please excuse my lack of knowledge,! my system is sitting idle waiting 4 insurance claim, i now need a new tv the wife will only let me have a 32 but may swing for a 37 ? iam looking at getting a full hd model ? but keep reading thats is not worth it ? my philps came up on screen as 1080i but i dont think it was full hd ? what tv would u recomend ? my living room is pretty small and we sit about 7ft away..also another question i have. i brought my ps3 coz i really wanted to watch blue ray discs and get the best from my onyko amp sound wise, i thought id get the true dolby / true hd sound stuff ! but my amp wont let me change any surround sound settings, it just shows multi channel ,,whatevea that is ? im finding it all a little overwhelming ,to say the least ! any advise much appreciated