maxflinn:hey prof , im thinking about buying a panasonic 46g10 , i know the black levels on that screen are not as deep as a kuro , but they are the closest out there , do you think i would gain much more insight into dark scenes with the panny vs a samsung 46b650 lcd , or any non led lcds out there , given it has 2m to 1 contrast ratio ???
Having done some (though admittedly not thorough) research and demos into sets around this size (46" to 50"), I'm still not wholly convinced on LCD sets in the 46" and above sizes. Unfortunately quite a few of the places I visited only had the brightly lit showrooms and an incredibly bad signal feed into the sets to compare against (why showrooms do this beggars belief), but the plasmas still seemed to present a better picture to my eyes - but then that's just me and my preferences as I know a lot of people prefer LCDs over plasmas.
At any rate, once I'd demoed the Pioneer, I didn't need to think about anything else - it's truly stunning and I couldn't put off the nagging feeling if I didn't get one before they disappear I'd sincerely regret it. Sorry, this doesn't really help with your choices above (the two sets you mention above I didn't look at in detail I'm afraid) - the best bet honestly is to try and get somewhere where you can see them for yourself as it's the only way you'll know which you prefer. One thing's for sure, don't rely on the specs - they're written with marketing in mind and don't give you a true story on the actual performance.