Oldboy said:I got a call from John Lewis this afternoon about the price match request I submitted to my local store so here goes....
First of all I got a call from a really nice lady just after lunch who informed me that sadly John Lewis would NOT match the Total Digital price for three reasons...1, they were of the opinion that the shop had no physical store of the same name and that it was an online arm of the retailer. 2, the offer did not include a 5 year warranty and lastly there was a £30 delivery charge for the tv.
Now knowing what gel told me about the retailer having a physical shop and confirming this myself I argued my case that the retailer was genuine and had a store of the same name trading as a retail outlet on the High Street and that the online site was the same retailer with the same details and address. I accepted that the 5 year warranty was not included but argued that John Lewis online had price matched this tv from the same retailer under these conditions and that they had agreed that Total Digital were a genuine retailer with a physical store and offered the price match, I told her I had a reference number and email to confirm this. She agreed to go away and talk it over with the team dealing with it and call me back...I wasn't hopeful they would do it but I fought my corner and gave them something to think about at least.
About half an hour later I get a second call from the store from a really nice chap called Alex and I was poised to add the info on the Guardian article gel pointed me towards yesterday as extra ammunition when I was told that on this occasion as a one off they would match the Total Digital price but I would have to pay the extra £30 that they add on for delivery so finally John Lewis price matched at £1886 with a 5 year warranty for the UE55F8000 which I wasn't about to argue with.
I've got the tv reserved for me at the store and all that remains is to go there tomorrow and pay for it and pray it fits in the car (Ford Focus), I did find the dimensions of the tv boxed yesterday so will measure up later but I think it will fit OK.
All that's left to say is very many thanks to gel in particular for his invaluable help in dealing with John Lewis because without it I really think they wouldn't have matched what is a cracking price...thank you very much mate I can't thank you enough :cheers:
And to everyone else who has been kind enough to comment on this thread I thank you all for taking the time and effort to help me and share your opinion and it's at times like these when you come to appreciate what an invaluable bunch you all are, I respect your opinions and it was all taken onboard whilst making my decision. Again I can't thank you all enough as it's been brilliant that you have all continued to comment on this thread and help me come to the right choice for my needs so thank you to all of you :clap:
All that remains is to get it tomorrow and start enjoying my new 55F8000 tv.....I really can't wait![]()
Gamemaker said:I think the ideal that you can use a newly brought TV then say you do not want it and return it on the distant selling regulation have been over stated by a forum member here. There is no such thing.
I have read that TD small print and clearly the return of an item is implicit on not having used the product and the same with JL and Richer Sounds. Once you ripped up the smaller packaging of the accessories and assembled the stand and plugged in the TV,then who is going buy that set if returned to the shop, unless it is faulty. The set is no longer new as it has been used.
To open the A list boxed item and see the wrapped up items are fine and could be put back together in the box and returned and the set can still be sold as new.
If in doubt ask or get an email confirmaton on the matter.No company will ever issue a written statement to say you can use a prestige TV then return it almost on a trial and buy basis, unless it saids so. Richer sounds will dock a 20% fee on such a return.
Oldie,if JL says 'No' to price match, just buy from total digital and the cheap extended 5 year warranty. I also would ensure the five year warranty is on site. You cannot lose with either firm but it is time to close the chapter and start enjoying the TV.
Oldboy said:Thanks again gel :clap: there is no way I would have got that deal without your help and i'm chuffed to bits that it will be mine tomorrow at that price, you are a star! :star:
I can't blame John Lewis for not wanting to price match as let's face it that's one hell of a saving I just got when the tv is advertised at 2,499.99 so a £614 saving is not to be sniffed at eh...sleep might be a problem tonight as it feels like christmas has come early as the final peice of my AV puzzle will be here tomorrow. Splendid![]()
z058261 said:And I do not want some poor sod having to pay full price on an item I have used and with my grubby finger prints on it etc and vice versa. A new a TV must mean unused and not previously sold.
Oldboy said:Disappointed that I drove there today only to come home £1886 worse off with nothing to show for it and will have to wait until Tuesday before I can pick it up from the store despite me asking 3 times yesterday on the phone if I could pay and collect today, each time I was told yes which is frustrating as it means yet another trip to the store.
Oldboy said:Thanks everyone for the best wishes :cheers:
Slight hiccup though...took a trip to John Lewis today to pay for the TV and collect it only to find there had been a mix up, the TV is in stock at the distribution centre and not my local store. Disappointed that I drove there today only to come home £1886 worse off with nothing to show for it and will have to wait until Tuesday before I can pick it up from the store despite me asking 3 times yesterday on the phone if I could pay and collect today, each time I was told yes which is frustrating as it means yet another trip to the store.
Anyway it's all paid for now and it's only a few more days to wait. Of course when I get it up on the wall I will post some updated pics with the TV in situ then add a thread on my thoughts after a few days run in.
Yes bigboss I'm seriously going to consider a proper calibration once I'm sure it's a keeper and will look forward to seeing what difference that makes to picture quality, will give it some run in before I do that though.
Roll on Tuesday evening!
Son_of_SJ said:That is really not good, sorry Oldboy! I hope that someone from John Lewis apologised profusely, did they offer to refund your petrol? |(
strapped for cash said:That's a pain, but hopefully a very temporary setback. You'll soon be enjoying the new TV!
Calibration seems a very good idea indeed, as out of the box performance is the wrong side of what I'd regard as acceptable. (At least on the review model.) Hopefully you'll be surprised by just how much difference it makes. Since it's an LED TV, I'd assume there would be no reason to re-calibrate (or "tune-up") after the initial calibration, as LED TVs don't drift like plasma TVs.
There's no need to run the TV in, either, though of course you want to be sure you're happy with the TV before paying for calibration.
Looking forward to your impressions once you've had a chance to play...
Oldboy said:I don't suppose you have any idea how I go about tracking down a proper calibrator in my area by any chance? I won't be rushing into it but it would be good to at least have an idea of who to contact as I will be getting it done within a month or two, at least then I can get an idea of cost and booking etc.
I'm really looking forward to seeing how it's done and of course the end results compared to my basic efforts, I've no doubt I will be reporting the benefits of professional calibration after it's done.
Son_of_SJ said:Oldboy said:I don't suppose you have any idea how I go about tracking down a proper calibrator in my area by any chance?
Go to the "Arguments for and against calibration" thread that Strapped for Cash started. On page 2, post 2, he gives the link to the professional calibrators.
strapped for cash said:Here:
Most will travel, so it's wise to do some research first on individual calibrators and prices.