I've just read through all this, and I must admit it has provided me with some funny moments!
Vanman, whilst I am sorry that you have got yourself in this predicament, I find it a little hard to sympathise!
Nevertheless, I guess you're happy with the outcome.
One question, you had this TV on pay per view (or whatever it is) paying a fee into the TV directly that the company came to pick up every month. You broke this TV.
You then went out and borrowed money from family (£2,800) and bought a nearly new TV. Obviously you have to pay back your family somehow - monthly or in one lump sum??
This 'area service man' came out and was happy you blew his tele to bits, that you had got a replacement and that he wasn't going to put a 'box' on the side? Sounds like you've been lucky there!
But you're now paying repayments (albeit to family) for a £2,800 tele and also weekly payments to the company who's tv you blew to bits - for 5 years!
I hope lessons have been learnt - that's all I will say to you.