New Speaker cables and interconnects?


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2012
hi guys, im in the process of transofrming a 5 channel setup to a 2 channel one. my system currently comprises of musical fidelity a5 pre, pass labs x5 multichannel amp (soon to be replaced with mf a5 if i can find one!) and cd player is sudgen cd21 series 2.

Currently the interconnects i hav is a quite cheap ixos cable along with van den hul the bay c5(connected from power amp to pre) and also have a jps superconducter but found the ixos to be less bright. in terms of interconnects im looking for 2 pairs that have a very smooth sound and fairly transparent with good bass. i do not want anythin that will excite the treble response. I will be buying second hand and a budget of around £50 each.

Speaker cables, originally i had chord company carnival bi wire, however was very bright with my monitor audio rs6 speakers, so i changed that to both the qed xt400 and eventually xt350. the xt 350 was the least bright of these.

however finally changed them to some qed original biwire cable that i had hanging around. again looking for the same smooth sound and good bass response.

Can u guys reccomend me both some ic's and speaker cables please with these characteristics?
IMO. You should avoid wire with silver coating, which usually sounds bright.

The Chord Silver Screen is a good "all copper" cable; and you could also look to Atlas or Van Damme (great VFM).
yes im awar silver coated stuff is usually bright, chord speaker cable i had was silver coated. i hear that van den hul make good smooth sounding cables but what particular models? any other reccomendations?
Yes, Van Den Hul have a smoother sound.

Do you have access to a hifi shop, where you can borrow some that are in budget, to try at your home.

Other brands that I rate are from Cardas, Audioquest, Telurium Q, Merlin and Linn.
in my local area i dont however where i study there are some shops so may try getting some cables from them..

the van den hul source ic seems gd for my needs any1 with any experience of this cable?

iv seen cardas cables but they seem very expensive?

any more recommendations welcome.
I would personnally go with the van dan hul cables if you can't hear them in your system before buying them as they would be the safe option IMO. Changing cables within a system is fine tuning the overall presentation and can't really be done unless you try different cables at home with your favourite music over a period of time.
yh appreciate that m8, might try borrow sum cables but doubt it will happen. but van den hul seem the way to go i just dont know which specific models.

Iv seen the source interconnect which seems to do what i need, and also the magnum hybrid for speaker cables?


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