There is the budgie cage ...
Budgie cage
And the matter of 12 Watts per channel. (
Professor Sacchetti you give us too much power!)
No built-in DAC so ...
separates again.
Hi-fi shops are
bad places. I always try and get in and out of mine as fast as is polite.
But they stuck it by the door (!) and I could suddenly see and smell the old telly* - from when I was a child - with it's back off and the tv repair man changing the valves. I could see the dead radiogram's timbers on the bonfire and the box of old valves and autochanger innards in the garage. Very evocative stuff. I can see why some middle-aged men go misty eyed over them.
* Cut two pieces of hardboard to about the size of a slice of bread and toast them on the lowest setting. Additionally get some really thin wire and pass 30 amps through it for that whiff of baking insulation. Add some warm beeswax polish and that's what british rental TVs of the 1960s and 70s smelt like.