plastic penguin said:
Just harking back to the speaker situation. I know you've constantly mentioned over the years your appreciation for sealed boxed units. But your persuit of Wimslow HB1s or similar copies of the original HBs may leave you a bit flat in terms of SQ.
They may use same/similar drivers to the originals, and even assuming they are as good, you might be slightly underwhelmed by infinite baffle after years of ported units. Nostalgia gets to us all at times, and just concerned you could *possibly* be looking at these designs through rose tinted glasses.
I'm not trying to tell you what you should/shouldn't buy - just a friendly word of caution.
Firstly I have had a pair of mint/boxed
JPW Sonatas (infinite baffle cabinets with 5" bass/mids) in the cupboard for a few years and they have come out semi-regularly for an 'airing' and to remind myself of what they sound like and to check they still work. (Although I replaced the tweeters for MNIB examples when I first bought them.)
Unlike my old - ported - Mordaunt Short MS20i Pearls, I can't quite bring myself to sell the Sonatas, so they are boxed away as 'spares'. ('Just in case' etc.) There is enough of that gorgeous sealed enclosure mid-range to justify keeping them for an occasional fix. They are also reasonably usable @ 87dB with my moderate tastes in volume levels.
Secondly that sealed-enclosure mid-range character still 'lives' in my Rega R3s where the forward facing mid/bass driver is enclosed in its own sealed compartment (box within a box) inside the top of the cabinet. (Probably the reason it is located above the tweeter.
My Sonatas and the R3s have 'balanced' veneers (both have cabinets that are veneered inside and outside) which may also have some bearing on the respective loudspeaker's 'voicing' too. I am not sure if this is standard practice in the industry or not.
Either way I am looking into various options that include bespoke cabinets (balanced veneers or birch plywood etc.)
I want to get this right and it might include getting some shagged HB1s cheaply and having them re-foamed and re-crossovered just to test the concept before buying a smart, new pair.
I am convinced that pre-fashion, pre-WAF proportioned speakers still have something to offer.