New found respect for Samsung.....

Yesterday, I was browsing around in PC World, when I saw the Samsung 40-inch 'LED' TV. I was blown away by the picture! The Ice Age blu-ray was playing, & the colours looked surreal!! The picture was absolutely pin-sharp even from a 20cm distance!!! Samsung actually achieved this quality in such a slim TV.......I'm floored!! I never considered the Korean Samsung & LG to be anywhere close to their Japanese counterparts, but they're catching up fast (probably even ahead of a lot of them, especially Samsung). Hats off to Samsung!!
bigboss:he Ice Age blu-ray was playing, & the colours looked surreal!!

That bad, huh...?

Not surprised - set-up in this kind of store is usually pretty poor.
Don't know that specific TV but would be very, very careful about judging any TV on the basis of watching animation. It will look good on almost any TV because it has very defined lines and colours, unlike real life images, an example being human skin tones in real life which will usually be flatter and more uniform on animation.
they are very saw a 55 inch 7000 series with a movie i dont know....even less than 1 meter the image was incredible---almost like pixels where a product of imagination
I just got a UE40B8000, along with the ultra slim wall bracket and WiFi dongle all for just under £1120 inc. VAT once my various cashbacks come in. I'm so happy with it. I played In the Shadow Of The Moon on it last night, and I couldn't believe my eyes how good the picture was.
wait till the others (panny tosh phil) start making leds they already have but not much on the market then samsung wont be as good
And your basis in fact for this statement is...?

Samsung is currently No1 in global TV market, with more R&D budget than just about any rival right now. OK, it could still get it spectacularly wrong in terms of products - and others make some stunning breakthroughs - but it's in a v.strong position.
samsung are on the money with their prices too , philips are on another planet with theirs .and thats just the standard lcd , non led prices ..
Clare Newsome:And your basis in fact for this statement is...?
Samsung is currently No1 in global TV market, with more R&D budget than just about any rival right now. OK, it could still get it spectacularly wrong in terms of products - and others make some stunning breakthroughs - but it's in a v.strong position.

And the slight matter of having just turned a huge profit - hence lots to invest in R&D - when the Japanese companies are still working out ways to cut costs and minimise their current massive losses.
That Samsung hummingbird ad on the right hand side of the WHF web page is really annoying. Especially when you accidentally click on it and it flies all over the place.
I have just bought a new Samsung UE 55B7000WW to replace my 3 year old Tevion 47 inch lcd (ALDI) after reading many reviews. Its really hard to compare TVs in any meaningful way so reviews seeemed to be the solution. I would have probably preferred to get the 8000 series but you cant get a 55 inch in this model range. I have to say I am a bit underwhelmed by the expensive experience. I have had only a short time to adjust the massive number of variables but at the moment I cant get happy with PQ.

Its bigger, obviously ,and sharper ( good considering its size) but there is distinct variability in backlight illumination and I just cant get the brightness and contrast adjusted for universal use. the contrast was set on ten( full up) when it arrived. I dont want to get into the many other adjustments such as gamma without further advice. It looks great on my PS3 games!!

Any advice or comments particularly on this model?
some of these samsungs improve after a firmware update , id check out the samsung site to see if there is one for your tv , might help ...
if you google "samsung ue40b7000 calibration settings" you will find sttings that may help ...
After more watching of my Samsung UE55B 7000WW I am still concerned with the apparent un- evenness of the led backlight illumination which is an edge lit system. Some random watching today ( I only got the set yesterday)produced some superb and some very disappointing results with the same settings. By chance I watched part of a childrens TV programme on BBC HD at around 5pm ( forgot the programme name but it involved a man with a fake moustache and a teeny bopper dancing!) and it looked absolutely cracking. It was very sharp and detailed as HD should do and my friend who was watching too was very impressed.

The disappointing results came whilst watching IRON MAN on my OPPO Blu Ray player. Very good on brightly lit scenes but frankly appalling on dark scenes. There were distinct patterns of lighter areas ( I presume this is called clouding?) on the right hand edge of the screen which actually changed with me moving my viewing position ( no doubt dodging the numerous bullets in the movie...superb sound) a few inches to right and left...very strange. I am particularly annoyed as I have spent a large amount of money on this set thinking it would improve on the black levels of my old Tevion ( Aldi) 1080P 47 inch LCD but even though the blacks can be darker on the samsung the ALDI was at least evenly lit. I spent half the evening fiddling with backlight brightness, brightness, contrast, dynamic contrast to try and improve things but couldnt find a happy medium and the clouding in the black scenes was BAD.

I have searching on the internet for an optimum set up but apart from a suggestion that the "dynamic backlighting"? could be disabled by a hidden menu which would invalidate the guarantee ,I didnt find anything to suggest that the uneven backlighting problem could be solved. I will try some suggested settings tomorrow to see if I can change things but if not was wondering whether I could return the set on the grounds I write about above?

Further suggestions would be welcomed.


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