New Choices!! Apex or 685 B&W package


New member
Feb 22, 2011
Ok guys after much debate I have decided that the sat sub system is the way to go for my needs. So I have wittled it down to two packages... Monitor Audio Apex on the Yamaha V3067 ort the B&W 685 on the Pioneer LX73. I was initially going to go for the LX83, but I dont feel its needed as the LX73 is surely going to give the same performance. Also you get the free BD player with it...bonus! I was told not to pair the Onkyo with the B&W so that ruled out the 808.

Please feel free to suggest other recievers if you feel im doing it wrong. Will be booking in a Demo today and buying this friday!!


Just realised the MT-30 Looks good too. Which out of he speaker packages would you guys say is the best?
I would say go for the Apex.

The Apex are in another league compared to the B&W MT- 30.

You should try auditioning a Denon 3311 or if funds allow a 4311

To save money see if you can source a Denon 4310, (last years model), huge deals at the moment. It does not have 3D pass through but if you get say an Oppo 93 or 95 you have twin Hdmi out to plug straight into display.

The Denon works really well with the Apex.
Ok guys after much debate I have decided that the sat sub system is the way to go for my needs. So I have wittled it down to two packages... Monitor Audio Apex on the Yamaha V3067 ort the B&W 685 on the Pioneer LX73.

If you're after a sat/sub package, the Monitor Audio Apex are nice. The 685's are not what I would call sat/sub's...


was told not to pair the Onkyo with the B&W so that ruled out the

What was the reason for that?