I agree with cno on getting caught in the upgrade 'game'.. It is just that one needs to be very clear about what the goal posts are and not to change them every now and then.
I do change the components all the time. Initially I was a bit lost as I always believed that I will keep the system for some years. Then I realized that I am not fitting into the classic definition ' buy, hold on to the items for atleast few years if not till they decay and then get new components. Again wait for 5-10 years for next upgrade'. A friend of mine fits this classic definition and he changes the system almost 10 years once.
Well once I realzed that I am not fitting the classic definition then only thing left out beyond the incovenience buying & selling is possibly loosing money. It is more like running costs of a car. If I set aside 300euros a month then in a year if I loose 3600 euros then it is still fine.
When I started out with this attitude, I am able to enjoy more components at home. Some are keepers, some stayed longer and some stayed only for few weeks. Surprisingly the 3600 euro that was earmarked never eroded so much as HiFi has better resale than a used car! And with a little bit careful looking around I am able to get better deals around. Ex - Pathos Inpol2 for 2850 Euros including one year warranty from the dealer or the PV1 subwofer for 200 Euros (worked great for 4 years and recently got exchanged with a dealer for a new PV1D) Ofcourse the timing has to be right as well !
That is me.. But you started with the idea of keeping Jadis for longer time, I believe. Depreciation might be almost same for 6 months or 1 year so I would say wait till the time you get the right deal but try not to stop looking out ans stay open for new possibilities.
When I tell my wife about the find of the week, she gets surprised from time to time that there is so much variety and possibility to hear let us say Hallelujah