Need advice pls - Big speakers for 1000sq ft room!


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May 15, 2013
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I'm really struggling with a decision on a speaker upgrade, as for my budget (circa £1500) I simply can't find anything that suits. The issue is that they are located in a 1000 sq ft sitting room with wooden floor and minimal soft furnishings, and I'm struggling to get anything that really fills the space properly with rich deep sound. To increase the challenge, they have to blend in so real wood and not vinyl wrap.

My local dealer told me that i need to at least double my budget, and whilst there maybe some room, 3k is definitely not happening.

Running Roksan K2 int and power amps and roksan cd, project debut turntable.

Was considering b&w cm9, kef r900 or ma gx300 as ex demo's / 2nd hand or sonus faber liuto 2nd hand (but i dont think i can bi-amp the latter). Even with this line up im not convinced that using 6" drivers will move enough air. Even resorted to thinking about Mission MX5 or MX6 just because they're huge (ruled out as they're not wood and rather too brash aesthetically).

Suggestions most welcome, I need to start sleeping and stop this consuming so much time!


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I did look at the proacs but ruled them out as the cabinet is smaller than my current speakers, and just wasn't sure they'd be big enough. I haven't listened to them though admittedly. Issue is that listening rooms are tiny!


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Dec 29, 2012
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They are meant to be good in large rooms maybe worth atry. If you want deep bass then a sub maybe the way although not always easy to match up with speakers.

Epos Epic 5s are quite big and easy to drive. Seems like a home demo is a must.


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JT71 said:

I'm really struggling with a decision on a speaker upgrade, as for my budget (circa £1500) I simply can't find anything that suits. The issue is that they are located in a 1000 sq ft sitting room with wooden floor and minimal soft furnishings, and I'm struggling to get anything that really fills the space properly with rich deep sound. To increase the challenge, they have to blend in so real wood and not vinyl wrap.

My local dealer told me that i need to at least double my budget, and whilst there maybe some room, 3k is definitely not happening.

Running Roksan K2 int and power amps and roksan cd, project debut turntable.

Was considering b&w cm9, kef r900 or ma gx300 as ex demo's / 2nd hand or sonus faber liuto 2nd hand (but i dont think i can bi-amp the latter). Even with this line up im not convinced that using 6" drivers will move enough air. Even resorted to thinking about Mission MX5 or MX6 just because they're huge (ruled out as they're not wood and rather too brash aesthetically).

Suggestions most welcome, I need to start sleeping and stop this consuming so much time!

The R900s would get my vote, but I'd be surprised if you can find them in budget.

All the R Series pump out serious scale for their size, so R700s (or even R500s) might cope...if not you'll need to add a sub.


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Thanks chaps, i can get R900's ex demo for 2k so sounds as though they may be worth a home trial. Ive never heardof the others tbh (although im fairly new to this) so will check them all out. I have a sub with crossover set at 60hz which adds some depth, but there seems to be a hole in between the sub and the bass/mid - when i turn the crossover up to 70 or 80 to get rid of the hole, it starts to get boomy. Hence looking for a speaker with a decent sized bass unit so im only relying on sub for really low down frequency. Let me know if im barking uo completely the wrong tree!

Thanks for your help.


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JT71 said:
Thanks chaps, i can get R900's ex demo for 2k so sounds as though they may be worth a home trial. Ive never heardof the others tbh (although im fairly new to this) so will check them all out. I have a sub with crossover set at 60hz which adds some depth, but there seems to be a hole in between the sub and the bass/mid - when i turn the crossover up to 70 or 80 to get rid of the hole, it starts to get boomy. Hence looking for a speaker with a decent sized bass unit so im only relying on sub for really low down frequency. Let me know if im barking uo completely the wrong tree!

Thanks for your help.

Let us know how this goes.....they are one hell of a may not even need a sub.

BTW. What is your sub?


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Feb 12, 2013
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What about the new Quad 25 L speakers yours for about 1700 specs look good and quite sensitive so decent volume for not much amp 'power' have asked if any one has experienced them but got no replies, Audio T and Sevenoaks do Quad stuff so you could get a demo fairly easily???



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The quad 25L is gorgeous but a 125mm bass/mid just seems far too small, I just can't see it producing respectable levels of low mid / upper bass in a room my size?

In answer to previous Q I'm running a mordant short radius 10" sub that i got half price from richer sounds ex demo just to see what difference it makes (asurprising amount) but very aware it needs upgrading, so will use it in another system elsewhere and had budgeted additional £800 to get a Rel 528 ex demo, so I'm hoping this will help matters. I guess I don't want to rely on the sub too much, and use it as a sub, not a woofer, hence harping on about decent sized bass units on the main speakers. Maybe I'm just stuck in 1980's mindset of 'have to have large bass units for a big room' mentality!


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JT71 said:
I guess I don't want to rely on the sub too much, and use it as a sub, not a woofer, hence harping on about decent sized bass units on the main speakers. Maybe I'm just stuck in 1980's mindset of 'have to have large bass units for a big room' mentality!

I agree.


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If you want to fill your 1000sq ft room with genuinely rich deep sound you won't do it with such pathetically small speakers - and that includes the Mission MX6's. You won't do it new for £1500 unless you go the DIY route. There are a few 2nd hand speakers that will do it for your budget. Speakers like EV Sentry III's, Bozak Symphonys, Bozak Concert Grands, Altec Model 19's, Vitavox corner horns, possibly Klipschorns too.


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Re the 25L, not sure whether I'm being dim but took a look at the link and can't see the 8" auxiliary driver on the specs? It says 165mm bass / mid? Regardless, looks like they're worth an audition.

Re vintage hifi, I love the idea of it, if I managed to find some in lovely condition, what's the general consensus on sound quality compared to today's speakers? It feels like massive advances have been made in speaker technology just in the last few years looking at the quality of some of the recent models, let alone the last 30?!


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JT71 said:
Re the 25L, not sure whether I'm being dim but took a look at the link and can't see the 8" auxiliary driver on the specs? It says 165mm bass / mid? Regardless, looks like they're worth an audition.

That's because I believe it's an ABR (ie.not powered), which is not the same acts a bit like a port.

IMO. Vintage speakers are often voiced to work better with vintage kit.


1000 sq feet is less than 100 sq metres.

That's a room which is approx 10x10 metres, or approx 30 feet x 30 feet, - not all that big really.

AVI ADM9s will do that fairly easily, and go plenty loud enough.

I've heard them playing in a hall, at the NEC, with no problems at all.

And they cost less than £1500 new, with amps, pre-amps, and DAC all included. You only require a source.



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jc brum, have a look at the first post. The OP already has some very nice gear indeed, he only needs speakers.

He also said big speakers.Personally, I think the Liutos are a good choice. Good, powerful sound.


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JT you have what is described as very good gear and it would be very difficult to up sticks and move to a different way. For your budget of £1500 I fear you will swop one disappointment for another.

On sound terms the ADMs could well fill your room and with the addition of the dedicated sub undoubtedly would. Unfortunately the 9 series only come in black or white gloss [piano] finish so wouldn't suit.

What would fit the bill is the AVI ADM 40s. Active floorstanders of immense power and scale that provide you with DAC, pre and power amps, remote control, 2 analogue and 4 digital inputs. Power and interconnect leads are also supplied. The cost is £3250, a long way from £1.5k or £2k; however selling your other gear would mitigate the difference.

I appreciate that this is a proper curve-ball but it would sort out your dilemma in one swoop. Everything you need for superb quality sound in a pair of floor-standers, just add your sources.

Good luck.


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Straight advertising, Brum/relocated!

You're the only group that ever does so in this way, but, then, at least one of you is closely related to the manufacturers.

You forgot the bit about giving Ashley a call and getting the free lunch :)


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Apr 20, 2011
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Monitor Audio BX6 or MA RX8 this two will fit in your budget, and you can add one/two subs as well, BK XLS200 or Gemini!

If i had a 1000 sqf living room that what i'll do!



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altruistic.lemon said:
Straight advertising, Brum/relocated!

You're the only group that ever does so in this way, but, then, at least one of you is closely related to the manufacturers.

You forgot the bit about giving Ashley a call and getting the free lunch :)

I have made a complaint about this post. I do not speak for "Brum" but I certainly do not engage in "Straight advertising". Neither do I 'shill', conspire or otherwise do the bidding of ANY person or company.

Perhaps you would be good enough to stop making unfounded allegations against me.

If you have a recommendation to make or advice to give then please be my guest, but your constant deluded postings are beyond tiresome and quite possibly libelous.

Thank you.


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May 15, 2013
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Thanks for the advice on all of the above - I will check out. Like you say, a real curve ball around the idea of going for active's but one I will consider.


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