NAD Amp repair online?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi everyone

A while back, someone on here mentioned a guy that offers an NAD amp repairs service online - he operated, I seem to remember, via ebay...

Basically, I can't find the post and I need to get hold of him - my C370 just died on me, for the second time in its life.

Can anyone help? Also, any other C370 owners found them lovely but a bit... unreliable? I'm wondering whether to cut my losses and get a new amp, or just stick with repairing this one...

Many thanks in advance...
Depends - there'll come a point where the rework / repair becomes more than the amp's worth. No disrespect to the 370, but were it an older vintage piece (Quad, Leak valve amps or the like) then you take it on the chin it's going to need some work. The 370 is what, a decade old? Shouldn't be keeling over too much IMO. Get the estimate and have a think - good luck with it!


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