6th.replicant:AEJim:You got your TV up n' running yet or still tidying? What kind of man are you that a new TV doesn't take precedence over all else!!
I did initiate telly installation...
Have this strange 'hallway' downstairs, which is arguably large enough - 17ft x 15ft - to be a sitting-room? So, I thought I'd re-locate hifi/'desk'/iMac/sofa/chairs etc to this 'sitting-hall', thus clearing more space in the sitting-room upstairs for TV/AV amp/5.1 speakers/shelving-for-DVDs etc and sofas etc.So, assemble Blok 500 hifi rack (IME
the most frustrating piece of self-assembly, ever) set-up hifi, and... it sounds 'orrible 'cos the only spot to place speakers is by some tall(ish) arched windows, which've obviously screwed up the hifi's acoustics a treat
Can't carry Blok 500 upstairs 'cos it weighs c. 60kg and it's very cumbersome. Ergo, had to dis-mantle/re-assemble Blok and reconnect hifi upstairs - and it's now 22:20. And I'm very hungry. But I can't get into the kitchen 'cos it's full of 100s of empty cardboard boxes
PK350 will have to wait 'til tomorrow. Ooo, just realised, once it's unpacked, I'll have yet more piles of cardboard and polystyrene...
Hah, moved house myself a couple of months back and faced all the same issues - no good room for Hi-Fi really (acoustically) so settled for an old Aego P5 system on the projector in the man room, not high end but pretty fun
- still have a garage full of empty boxes though!