Musical fidelity M6i or Naim Nait xs to drive my B&W 683

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Jan 17, 2012
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Macspur said:
Well, obviously still a lot of money, but if you can afford it, why not!

Good review here of the Avalons;


thanks Ididn't read that one.

I actualy get impatiant now picking them up. The mean reason 5 left them in the shop was that they wanted to put them in plastic an drop them in the car.

But I realy prefered they put them back properly in the box for transport.


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Aug 21, 2009
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Roby said:
thanks Ididn't read that one.

I actualy get impatiant now picking them up. The mean reason 5 left them in the shop was that they wanted to put them in plastic an drop them in the car.

But I realy prefered they put them back properly in the box for transport.

Robbie, there is one bit of that review you should take note of:
"..the Avalons require ultra precise positioning. If we don't pay proper attention, they might sound okay but really, there is only one single spot in any given room where they will sound as they should".

Just in case your room has bass/treble issues that can't be solved, and are bad enough to change your mind about the speaker, you need the option of returning them. Now this is not that likely, but it is always better to be safe, especially when spending that amount of money.

I look forward to hear how they sound with your TT - I'm expecting great things, but attention may need to be made to isolate them from your floor, which I think (from memory) is suspended


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May 3, 2010
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CnoEvil said:
Roby said:
thanks Ididn't read that one.

I actualy get impatiant now picking them up. The mean reason 5 left them in the shop was that they wanted to put them in plastic an drop them in the car.

But I realy prefered they put them back properly in the box for transport.

Robbie, there is one bit of that review you should take note of: "..the Avalons require ultra precise positioning. If we don't pay proper attention, they might sound okay but really, there is only one single spot in any given room where they will sound as they should". Just in case your room has bass/treble issues that can't be solved, and are bad enough to change your mind about the speaker, you need the option of returning them. Now this is not that likely, but it is always better to be safe, especially when spending that amount of money. I look forward to hear how they sound with your TT - I'm expecting great things, but attention may need to be made to isolate them from your floor, which I think (from memory) is suspended

Yes, I read that Cno... would def have probs in my room accommadating them... well done for highlighting it to Roby.



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It actually sounds like a great piece of advice Rob.

You should be really discussing that with the shop agreeing you have some time to take them back in case they don't fit your room...

They cannot deny that for sure...but make sure you mention to them asap.


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Congratulations on the Avalons!! I heard them ONCE and they were astonishingly good with timbre and tonality tremendously accurate. They have been on my WANT list ever since.


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Apr 20, 2012
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Hi Roby,

nice work mate, it's been great to read about your demoing again.

I'm not surprised you found the Avalons a bit more beefy down the bottom than the Diablos. Reading their specs says they go down to about 28Hz, whereas the Diablos only go to around 40Hz.

When I was making my decison (certainly not as long as your search) I was going from using big floorstanders in a small space where my listening position was very close. So the Diablos gave me a massive lift in detail, whilst also removing some of the overpowering bass. There are times where I wonder if I made the right choice (especially when I'v got a new mix on loud!), but mostly I listen to music & hear new details I never knew existed. I think I made the right choice for my space & a great match with the AMS. The warmth of the AMS balances nicely with the detail of the Diablos.

Congrats again mate


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Jan 17, 2012
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CnoEvil said:
Roby said:
thanks Ididn't read that one.

I actualy get impatiant now picking them up. The mean reason 5 left them in the shop was that they wanted to put them in plastic an drop them in the car.

But I realy prefered they put them back properly in the box for transport.

Robbie, there is one bit of that review you should take note of: "..the Avalons require ultra precise positioning. If we don't pay proper attention, they might sound okay but really, there is only one single spot in any given room where they will sound as they should". Just in case your room has bass/treble issues that can't be solved, and are bad enough to change your mind about the speaker, you need the option of returning them. Now this is not that likely, but it is always better to be safe, especially when spending that amount of money. I look forward to hear how they sound with your TT - I'm expecting great things, but attention may need to be made to isolate them from your floor, which I think (from memory) is suspended

I know it's somthing I kept in mind an to be honnest it was an is bugging me a bit. But I think ther is not to much chance it's giong to sound awfull....

Certenly because we really enjoyed the demo an there the room an possition of the speakers where fare from perfect.

So to be honest I don't expect it's going to sound to bad but you're right you never know


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Jan 17, 2012
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Jambalaya said:
Congratulations on the Avalons!! I heard them ONCE and they were astonishingly good with timbre and tonality tremendously accurate. They have been on my WANT list ever since.


I'm not surprised it's not the first time I hear MF works well with Avalon.

I'm courious witch Avalon's did you listen to? An did you try them with you're M6i?


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Jan 17, 2012
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Neuphonix said:
Hi Roby,

nice work mate, it's been great to read about your demoing again.

I'm not surprised you found the Avalons a bit more beefy down the bottom than the Diablos. Reading their specs says they go down to about 28Hz, whereas the Diablos only go to around 40Hz.

When I was making my decison (certainly not as long as your search) I was going from using big floorstanders in a small space where my listening position was very close. So the Diablos gave me a massive lift in detail, whilst also removing some of the overpowering bass. There are times where I wonder if I made the right choice (especially when I'v got a new mix on loud!), but mostly I listen to music & hear new details I never knew existed. I think I made the right choice for my space & a great match with the AMS. The warmth of the AMS balances nicely with the detail of the Diablos.

Congrats again mate

Thanks :)

Yes you made the right choice!!!!

I mean the detail was very sprankling an impressive an the bass department or roomfilling factor, well I said it is clearly there an impressive to. The avalon's just had an octave more an sounded slightly more natural. but in a smaller room it should be perfect like you say. (I have the project to double my livingroom surface in the next month's so I provably need that little more in the bass department)

Don't forget I have 50% of for a demo pair it why I buy theme otherwise the choice would have been much harder choice afther afther I heard the Diablo's connected to the AMS.

Also because the price of the diablo's wher kind of the limit I fixed for my self (arround 7 a9000€) witch was managable considering I was provably able to arrange a discoubt


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Aug 21, 2009
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Roby said:
I know it's somthing I kept in mind an to be honnest it was an is bugging me a bit. But I think ther is not to much chance it's giong to sound awfull....

Certenly because we really enjoyed the demo an there the room an possition of the speakers where fare from perfect.

So to be honest I don't expect it's going to sound to bad but you're right you never know

I made the comment as I was in the same boat as 205/2s were bought ex-dem for a good price. I thought the chance of them not working out was small, but I always like a safety net, and so I had the option of returning them if the couldn't be got to sound right.......they did sound right, but only after I isolated them from the floor.


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Sep 3, 2012
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Roby said:
Jambalaya said:
Congratulations on the Avalons!! I heard them ONCE and they were astonishingly good with timbre and tonality tremendously accurate. They have been on my WANT list ever since.


I'm not surprised it's not the first time I hear MF works well with Avalon.

I'm courious witch Avalon's did you listen to? An did you try them with you're M6i?

It was a long time ago, I think they were the Eclipse and they were powered by something sitting in the floor with massive cables connected. I was enthralled by the sound and will always remember them.


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Jan 17, 2012
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So finaly this satuday I Should have some time to put my livingroom in order to welcome my Avalon's.

I hope I can also get my new funiture so I will not have to move it all arround once again.

I also have a demo of the akurate at 11am Saturday, as I was curious so we will see what happends there.

Anyway if I ever decide to go on that road it will not be immidiatly....


So in short this is my planning I admid I'm not shure being able to do it all in 1 day

But I dicided to buy my speakers almost a month ago an I'm really excited, everyday a little more

If everything go's according to plan I will also home demo a pair of Siltech Classic Anniversary Series S/C 8)

An also meybe the EAR acute CDP :)

Worst case senario I will get the fure an cables Saturday at Francis an the speakers next Satuday as they ar pretty heavy an I don't like moving them arroun more than needed.

So some serious listening sessions in perspective for The end of the year holiday's

:rockout: :dance: :p :grin: :cheers:


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Aug 21, 2009
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Roby said:
So in short this is my planning I admid I'm not shure being able to do it all in 1 day

But I dicided to buy my speakers almost a month ago an I'm really excited, everyday a little more

If everything go's according to plan I will also home demo a pair of Siltech Classic Anniversary Series S/C 8)

An also meybe the EAR acute CDP :)

Worst case senario I will get the fure an cables Saturday at Francis an the speakers next Satuday as they ar pretty heavy an I don't like moving them arroun more than needed.

You should hold off buying cables until (if) Alex succeeds in getting hold of some Vertere.

Greatly looking forward to hearing all your feedback re the Speakers, DS and CDP....Alex now knows the sort of system where the Linn ADS will shine (eg. ADS + 35i + Avalons).

The Ear CDP will be very good, probably somewhere in between the MDS and ADS.....again, we'll see.


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Jan 17, 2012
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CnoEvil said:
Roby said:
So in short this is my planning I admid I'm not shure being able to do it all in 1 day

But I dicided to buy my speakers almost a month ago an I'm really excited, everyday a little more

If everything go's according to plan I will also home demo a pair of Siltech Classic Anniversary Series S/C 8)

An also meybe the EAR acute CDP :)

Worst case senario I will get the fure an cables Saturday at Francis an the speakers next Satuday as they ar pretty heavy an I don't like moving them arroun more than needed.

You should hold off buying cables until (if) Alex succeeds in getting hold of some Vertere.

Greatly looking forward to hearing all your feedback re the Speakers, DS and CDP....Alex now knows the sort of system where the Linn ADS will shine (eg. ADS + 35i + Avalons).

The Ear CDP will be very good, probably somewhere in between the MDS and ADS.....again, we'll see.

Yes this going to be fun whan everything is in place... the cdp is just for a test I will decide later

As well the s/c I want to test syltech, mit, ah, shunyata an maybe I'm not planning to buy anything immidiatly

axcept for thehifi rack to get everything right in place...

Keep you posted


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Aug 21, 2009
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Roby said:
As well the s/c I want to test syltech, mit, ah, shunyata an maybe I'm not planning to buy anything immidiatly

axcept for thehifi rack to get everything right in place...

Keep you posted

That's as it should be....also include Atlas Mavros.

Shunyata make exceptional mains cables.


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Jan 17, 2012
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Intresting evening

A week ago with alex at Francis (our most famous HIFI shop) we met an other dealer, we started to talk about streamers an I immidiatly made it clear that I'm courious but not yet convinced. We where actualy talking about the Akurate So he said He was using the PS audio an got rid of his Wadia CDP.

H said to give him a call so I give me a demo. witch I did an went for the demo yesterday. I actualy expected a shop but instead it's at his home an the test is in his own set up.


PSA P5 power conditioner (4500€)

PSA perfect wave dac/streamer (5500€ so same price as the Linn Akurate)

Ayr AX-7e Amplifier (3700€)

Cabasse Baltic Evolution on-wall (5000€) + Santorin 30 subwoofer (3000€)

So I arrived an this give me a real familiar approche witch you provably know by now I really appreciate.

So he started some tracks (Paulo Conté) my first impression was wow this is actually really good pwerfull bud not agressive...

at first He started to explain how it all works the power conditioner, the programs he uses how he set up his personal network witch I apreciated because becaus it gave me a better view on the possibelty's. witc h I really nedded to get me convinced an I think he understood that :). D'ont get me wrong as an IT ingeneer how it works but in my personal time I'm really inpatiant for those thinks an I don't really take the time to do it all properly ( I meam customize it all like I want it to be becaus recommended d setting usualy s*cks). An than taking the time ripping my cd's propperly (eac) an keep my libery organized to my hand.... This all take time an afther work I'm usualy la vinyl fileszy for sich things :oops:

Anyway personal feelings aside we listen to songs of all kind rock, jazz, classic, techno, drum & bass....

Witch is particualy handy as my personal collection is also that wide. Niticed one thing everyting sounded good full with a ticht bass an a superb detail an not agressive at all but real engaging. also on electronica witch can sound a bit slow on high end systems sometimes.

We tetsed al kind of files cd, high res... but one in particular was really intresting to my ears the fiew digitalised vinyl files. Those sounded amazing. truly incredable warm, full an detailed. an this is certanly somthing I will test in the future.

We also tried a playing a cd on a cheap dvd player (100€) playing true the dac of the PS Audio an this was amazing even if the digital file was slightly more body. But this is an intresting option for me so I could connect a cdp as transport true the dac an can keep using my deared cdd collection when ever i feel like :)

An this is somthing you can't do with the Akurate :-(

So (sorry Cno an the rest) the PS Audio streamer certenly convinced me more than the akurate it was so much more engaging everything was great without being to much.

But have to say my the approche an the used system have a lot to do with my feeling an jugment.

I mean this is not what you can call a cheap system I agree. But It's provably one of the most akurate an balanced systems I heard. This is a well studied sustem with great synergy.

An let's be honest compared to some stuff I heard this is not that expensive.

So to finish I'm not completly convinced by streaming yet but as I started to rip my cd's properly an try to get a well organised music libary (it's a lot work) I'm starting to get there.

At this point my preferences go's to the psa soundwise an becaus of the exportable dac option.

I havee a demo of the akurate again next week see what happens there....

Keep you posted


As Alex made his decision (I think) purchase the acurate, I was thinking I do this one alone (I actualy forgot to tell him :oops: but you are always welcome my friend).


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Sep 13, 2011
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Roby said:

Intresting evening

A week ago with alex at Francis (our most famous HIFI shop) we met an other dealer, we started to talk about streamers an I immidiatly made it clear that I'm courious but not yet convinced. We where actualy talking about the Akurate So he said He was using the PS audio an got rid of his Wadia CDP.

H said to give him a call so I give me a demo. witch I did an went for the demo yesterday. I actualy expected a shop but instead it's at his home an the test is in his own set up.


PSA P5 power conditioner (4500€)

PSA perfect wave dac/streamer (5500€ so same price as the Linn Akurate)

Ayr AX-7e Amplifier (3700€)

Cabasse Baltic Evolution on-wall (5000€) + Santorin 30 subwoofer (3000€)

So I arrived an this give me a real familiar approche witch you provably know by now I really appreciate.

So he started some tracks (Paulo Conté) my first impression was wow this is actually really good pwerfull bud not agressive...

at first He started to explain how it all works the power conditioner, the programs he uses how he set up his personal network witch I apreciated because becaus it gave me a better view on the possibelty's. witc h I really nedded to get me convinced an I think he understood that :). D'ont get me wrong as an IT ingeneer how it works but in my personal time I'm really inpatiant for those thinks an I don't really take the time to do it all properly ( I meam customize it all like I want it to be becaus recommended d setting usualy s*cks). An than taking the time ripping my cd's propperly (eac) an keep my libery organized to my hand.... This all take time an afther work I'm usualy la vinyl fileszy for sich things :oops:

Anyway personal feelings aside we listen to songs of all kind rock, jazz, classic, techno, drum & bass....

Witch is particualy handy as my personal collection is also that wide. Niticed one thing everyting sounded good full with a ticht bass an a superb detail an not agressive at all but real engaging. also on electronica witch can sound a bit slow on high end systems sometimes.

We tetsed al kind of files cd, high res... but one in particular was really intresting to my ears the fiew digitalised vinyl files. Those sounded amazing. truly incredable warm, full an detailed. an this is certanly somthing I will test in the future.

We also tried a playing a cd on a cheap dvd player (100€) playing true the dac of the PS Audio an this was amazing even if the digital file was slightly more body. But this is an intresting option for me so I could connect a cdp as transport true the dac an can keep using my deared cdd collection when ever i feel like :)

An this is somthing you can't do with the Akurate :-(

So (sorry Cno an the rest) the PS Audio streamer certenly convinced me more than the akurate it was so much more engaging everything was great without being to much.

But have to say my the approche an the used system have a lot to do with my feeling an jugment.

I mean this is not what you can call a cheap system I agree. But It's provably one of the most akurate an balanced systems I heard. This is a well studied sustem with great synergy.

An let's be honest compared to some stuff I heard this is not that expensive.

So to finish I'm not completly convinced by streaming yet but as I started to rip my cd's properly an try to get a well organised music libary (it's a lot work) I'm starting to get there.

At this point my preferences go's to the psa soundwise an becaus of the exportable dac option.

I havee a demo of the akurate again next week see what happens there....

Keep you posted


As Alex made his decision (I think) purchase the acurate, I was thinking I do this one alone (I actualy forgot to tell him :oops: but you are always welcome my friend).

Yes, you didn't tell me :mad:

But I couldn't have come anyway as I was busy the all day! Glad you are start getting more involved with streaming but I strongly suggest you to book a demo in Waterloo with Akurate playing through a proper system and the one we heard in Bx was really not that much involving indeed! Then you will have the real picture and can make fair comparison...and I am actually very interested in what you will think ;)

What do you think about going on Friday to pick up your speakers?


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Roby said:
CnoEvil said:
Roby said:
So in short this is my planning I admid I'm not shure being able to do it all in 1 day

But I dicided to buy my speakers almost a month ago an I'm really excited, everyday a little more

If everything go's according to plan I will also home demo a pair of Siltech Classic Anniversary Series S/C 8)

An also meybe the EAR acute CDP :)

Worst case senario I will get the fure an cables Saturday at Francis an the speakers next Satuday as they ar pretty heavy an I don't like moving them arroun more than needed.

You should hold off buying cables until (if) Alex succeeds in getting hold of some Vertere.

Greatly looking forward to hearing all your feedback re the Speakers, DS and CDP....Alex now knows the sort of system where the Linn ADS will shine (eg. ADS + 35i + Avalons).

The Ear CDP will be very good, probably somewhere in between the MDS and ADS.....again, we'll see.

Yes this going to be fun whan everything is in place... the cdp is just for a test I will decide later

As well the s/c I want to test syltech, mit, ah, shunyata an maybe I'm not planning to buy anything immidiatly

axcept for thehifi rack to get everything right in place...

Keep you posted

Hi Roby

You should really consider the MIT s/c and i/c. The more poles they have,the better. Just make sure you have plenty of room behind the amp and speakers cause they're quite bulky and a bit stiff. IME the MIT gives a more holographic 3d sound with less sibilance and no brightness at all but maintains detail and musicality. Everything is very well balanced IMO.:)



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Aug 21, 2009
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Roby said:
PSA P5 power conditioner (4500€)

PSA perfect wave dac/streamer (5500€ so same price as the Linn Akurate)

Ayr AX-7e Amplifier (3700€)

Cabasse Baltic Evolution on-wall (5000€) + Santorin 30 subwoofer (3000€)

Ayre make good amps, and don't underestimate the effect a good Power Conditioner / Mains Regenerator / Balanced Transformer, can have.

Roby said:
So (sorry Cno an the rest) the PS Audio streamer certenly convinced me more than the akurate it was so much more engaging everything was great without being to much.

I havee a demo of the akurate again next week see what happens there....

Keep you posted

P.S. As Alex made his decision (I think) purchase the acurate, I was thinking I do this one alone (I actualy forgot to tell him :oops: but you are always welcome my friend).

No need to be sorry, as this is about getting you the right solution....and as it stands, the DSsss are the best I have heard.

As Alex / Neuphonix have found out, you need the right system (for you), to realize the potential of the ADS...and in your case, that's the 35i + Avalons.


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Jan 17, 2012
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Like I said I had the feeling this was a well studied system without costing a fortune.

next step is testing the akurate in the same conditions....

so I know what's its capable of. Don't worry I will take my time to do that befor taking any rushed desission. beside that would mean my quest would be rushed to the finish :-(

Don't want that....


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Aug 21, 2009
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Roby said:
Like I said I had the feeling this was a well studied system without costing a fortune.

next step is testing the akurate in the same conditions....

so I know what's its capable of. Don't worry I will take my time to do that befor taking any rushed desission. beside that would mean my quest would be rushed to the finish :-(

Don't want that....

If all else fails, you will be able to hear it in a certain system, that's not too far away! :shifty:


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