Mordaunt Short Performance 6LE or Monitor Audio PL200?


New member
Aug 9, 2007
After much shortlisting and elimination, it's down to the finals and both are exactly the same price. My system is in my bio and I enjoy jazz (all types), female vocals and some rock. Room size is about 13ft x 13ft. Sure would appreciate some help to decide on the winner. Thanks. PS: Proac D28 and PMC OB1i not completely eliminated.
It depend what sort of sound you're after.

The ProAc, and to a slightly lesser extent, the PMC's are a little warmer in their presentation. Both of these will benefit from the control of the Bryston power amp.

The Performance 6's are a little different. Their cabinet isn't of the usual construction, and adds less to the sound than those previously mentioned. A pretty faithful sound is expected, but for me, they were just too bland. If your system is a little too forward, these could be what you're looking for. Thes have an advantage in that they can be used closer to a wall too.

A very similar option to the Performance 6's is the KEF Reference 203/2. Like the MS's they're front ported, so have the close to the wall advantage, but added to that they have some boundary controls which allow you to tweak the frequency response to suit the room. Even though the cabinets are made of conventional materials, they're constructed in a way that cuts down standing waves drastically, with little or no effect on the resulting sound. The Reference range, like many other high end speakers thrive on effortless power, and the Bryston provides that faultlessly. I've found the two match each other perfectly. If any amp/speaker combination stops me going active, it'll be Bryston/KEF.

Just a thought
An audition is a must, mate. Only you can decide which loudspeakers sound better to you for the type of Music that you listen to.

If you are able to find retailer(s) that will allow you to do a home demo, that would be ideal.

I own a pair of Mordaunt-Short Performance 6 (NOT the LE version) and am extremely happy with them. I have not listened to the PL200 but I have listened on more than one occasion to the PL300 and absolutely love the sound of the PL300, except my budget could not stretch to the PL300 and the Performance 6 was so close to the performance of the PL300 so I purchased a pair of Performance 6.

I have the PL300's and have to say that for jazz, rock and most especially vocals, they are excellent. To be honest, I haven't heard anything they don't sound good with.

If your room is that size, I think you will struggle with the PL200's. Too close to any wall and they do boom. I had mine in a room of 3.8 x 7m and the room wasn't wide enough for the 300's. I think room size will be biggest factor in your choice, which the MS will suit better.
I listen to the PL100 in my living room which is about 3x5m and they sound simply I definitely agree, room size make the difference when it comes to make a choice.
I currently own and listen frequently to PL100 and PL 300. My room is sized 4.1 x 8m and I struggled to position PL300 (they prefer a wider room, min. 60-70cm from the back wall and good clearance from side walls). Experimenting with cables also helped (I settled with Cardas GR) to avoid bass boom in my non-acoustic room. If you like MA PL character, for your music tastes and room size, I would recommend either PL100 (1st choice) or 200 (2nd choice). It would be good to try them in the actual room to check the room sunergy, especially for PL200 due to required clearances around speakers. Once you find the right position, PL speakers will sound good with your equipment. Regards from Abu Dhabi.
Thanks for all the feedback. I currently use bookshelfs and wish to move to floorstanders so the PL100 is out. You have confirmed my suspicions that the PL200 would be harder to work in my small room compared to the 6LE, perhaps due to its rear firing port vs the 6LE's front firing one. My room layout means that I am able to get a decent clearance from the back (or is it front?) wall but not from one of the side walls.

I was tempted by the PL200 as the dealer is offering it at almost exactly the same price as the 6LE, while I see that it costs GBP700 more in the UK.

I have listened to the 6LE and was mightily impressed by them, although with the PL200, I would have to buy blind (or rather deaf) since the dealer will only bring one in when there's a confirmed order as there's not such a big hifi market where I live.

OK, looks like it's the Performance 6LE then. Just hope that it's not due for replacement yet as the non LE version has already been around since 2004.
Congratulations, hifikrazy. I am confident that you will not regret this decision. The 6LE looks absolutely awesome; I wish I owned the LE version over the standard version but I am so chuffed with my standard Performance 6's.



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