Marantz Pearl by Ken Ishiwata?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Just happened to come across this -


At Munich Germany's High End 2009 event Marantz
will reveals their world premiere of "The Pearl" designed by developer Ken Ishiwata to celebrate his 30th anniversary with the
This is a gift not only for audio fans, but also for Ken himself and
the whole Marantz team. Ken Ishiwata is a man with extremely high
standards who is always striving for the ideal solutions for perfect
music playback. He works tirelessly to perfect the listening experience
and is well known to Marantz
customers and enthusiasts as the creator of the KI signature series. At
a world premiere at the High End show in Munich, Ken Ishiwata will be
"The Pearls," named because the 30th anniversary gift is traditionally


EDITED BY MODS - House rules

What is The Pearl?
I believe it's a system, but any more details are yet to be announced.

There's a launch event some time in the next couple of weeks - when we know more we'll tell you.
I don't think you could describe any of KI's products as cheap. Whether or not it will be inexpensive is an entirely different matter...
I'll just get the credit card out then............

Any chance of a competition to win one ?
Yep, result! The kit sounds impressive, but alas, unlikely I'll be able to swap the current set-up for it just yet! Smart site though.
Thank you Andrew. You did reply to the post as promised. Impressive!
The man's a genius IMO (I'm thinking Ken Ishiwata, though Andrew's not far behind...) - goes into the same hat as Henry Azima (Mission, now NXT) for me. Better make that the Azima brothers given their input into some of the most well known speaker companies in the business.

The Pearl stuff looks really impressive....hmmm, I should stop looking at this stuff. Might just try sending Ken another £8 to see if he can further fine tune my SA7001-KI.
just nice to know he was involved with Pioneer. Some know how must have been left there🙂


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