Let's begin by relaying here Ken's message to the public which he entrusted also to me, shortly after ending his 41 years working for Marantz, nearly a year ago:
"Ken Ishiwata thought Marantz was Ken Ishiwata and Ken Ishiwata was Marantz… He never thought this day would come to say goodbye…"

Well, I believe, "Marantz was Ken Ishiwata" is based upon the ever deepening influence, since joining, Ken exerted over the decades in finalising the tuning of each product, especially for the European market.
And "Ken Ishiwata was Marantz" because he was their Brand Ambassador, his tireless upkeep of brand-identity-and-image all over the world, e.g. at Italian show:
For us consumers, I'll simply end this Post by quoting Ken's ultimate buying advice:
"What I always tell people is 'Whatever product you listen to, if your emotion is moved when playing back your favourite music then that product has a value to you. But if that does not happen, even if a product is very expensive, it has no value to you.'"
"Ken Ishiwata thought Marantz was Ken Ishiwata and Ken Ishiwata was Marantz… He never thought this day would come to say goodbye…"

Well, I believe, "Marantz was Ken Ishiwata" is based upon the ever deepening influence, since joining, Ken exerted over the decades in finalising the tuning of each product, especially for the European market.
And "Ken Ishiwata was Marantz" because he was their Brand Ambassador, his tireless upkeep of brand-identity-and-image all over the world, e.g. at Italian show:
For us consumers, I'll simply end this Post by quoting Ken's ultimate buying advice:
"What I always tell people is 'Whatever product you listen to, if your emotion is moved when playing back your favourite music then that product has a value to you. But if that does not happen, even if a product is very expensive, it has no value to you.'"