Ravey Gravey Davy:
Ginder:LOL How can it be rubbish? Its UK legislation mate. How about you look it up before you make your comment? 😉 You are claiming under SOGA: The Sale of Goods Act 1979 (as amended) says that goods should be as follows: "Of satisfactory quality. This means the goods must meet the standards that any reasonable person would expect, taking into account the description, the price and all other relevant information. In some circumstances, the retailer may be liable for any statement made by the manufacturer about the goods." Key word here is "price": something that costs a couple of hundred quid should atleast last a few years! "*Satisfactory quality includes the appearance and finish of the goods, their safety and durability and whether they are free from defects (including minor faults) *Fit for the purpose that goods of this type are generally sold. They must also be fit for any specific or particular purpose made known to the seller at the time of the agreement." and The quote below is from the Trading Standards's website. "I purchased goods over a year ago and the guarantee has now expired. The trader has advised me that he does not have any responsibility for the goods. Is he right?" No! Guarantees are extra to your legal rights. If you can show that the goods were not of satisfactory quality at the time of sale i.e. they were not as durable as it is reasonable to expect, then you may have a claim against the trader or finance company (if applicable) for compensation." Key word here is "durable": obviously the product was not durable as it did not last the expected reasonable length of time. So hence the moral of the story is, if you never got an extended warranty, but still have your receipt then you may aswell give SOGA a shot! Still rubbish Mr Piano?? 😉
The only key word in there is "may have a claim". and where is the six year bit???
Nope- the statement is indeed absolute rubbish.Warranty is as specified by the manufacturer/retailer at the outset anything beyond that is goodwill only."Reasonable" is one year on new goods,-3months on overhauled as a minimum.
The keyword "may" is better than not trying dont u think? Warranty is not as specified by the manufacturer/retailer and saying anything beyond is goodwill? Read up on the law, its in plain english 😉
Every product has a year warranty specified by the manufacturer, but honestly you cant believe that a thousand pound tv is only reasonably expected to last as long as an electric kettle that cost ten quid lol.
Like i said before manufacturers and retailers will try and wriggle out of this but the law is the law and if you dont try u might never find out how well SOGA holds up. I didnt say dont buy an extended warranty, what i did say was if u never got one with ur item then SOGA could be a possible route to go down. Warranties are an extension of the law not a replacement of them, u still have ur statutory rights if u choose to use them.