Many problems Sony 46W4500

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I bought a Bravia 46w380a in China (which is the Chinese model number for 46w4500, although not officially confirmed).

I don't have the flickering problems, but the clouding is very annoying.

When I saw Alper's pictures I thought I saw my own ...

A pity I can't upload the pics to whathifi, otherwise I would post them here. I have to say the problem is diminishing a bit (I have the set now a month or so), especially in the beginning I had these spotlights shining up from the bottom corners (together with the clouds). You don't see this clouds in a shop where there is light from the environment, but in complete darkness (how I normally watch a movie) it is very annoying, even my girlfriend complains (so I am not being geeky).

I mailed Sony China, they said I should take it to a service center. I will do so maybe later, but I am not looking forward explain to them that the picture looks superb when I look at a full color pic (like my desktop, i have a pc connected), but is cloudy in dark scenes in complete darkness. ...
please refer them to this thread - it'll show them both the pictures and the fact that you're not alone in having one of the cloudy units. Good luck!
Hi Clare,

Not sure how to start new forum, so can i ask for advice off yourself or anyone who can help.

I have now got a Panasonic Plasma, i must say, i think the overall picture is better than the sony. I think the picture is more natural and of course no clouding, although the Sony was slightly sharper.

My question is, Panasonic give a small amount of advice to avoid screen retention, however, it says when showing a 4.3 image you can brighten the side panels (which are grey) to avoid any retention. My problem is, what about when you are watching a film on Blue Ray and you have the black lines on the bottom and top which are not converted to grey, will there be a chance of retention while watching the film for 2 hours or so?

Hope i made sense, and hope for any advice.

My God nearly 150,000 views!!!!! Had to say it

Thanks, Rorschach.
Indeed.... Really impressive..... Very popular topic!
No Sony did nothing to solve the problems. They advised only to change the backlight settings. New name of Sony= Cloudy

That's the big reason why I never will buy a Sony (LCD) product again. I think they lost a lot of customers since they didn't want to solve the clouding problems. I was big fan of Sony, but that's changed now...... I can advise to go for a Samsung instead of Sony, if you want to buy a LCD. Actually I didn't followed this topic for a while and I'm not sure what's the best brand at this time.
Well i just got my tv back from the repair shop yesterday and all seemed fine when i turned it on. But when it got to the evening i noticed the backlight bleed is now coming in from the sides. This is crazy, what do i do? Am i making a mountain out of a mole hill or is this problem serious enough that i should take the tv back?


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