I am also having trouble with clouding on my W4500.
I DO think (and i say this with a calm respecting tone) that WHF should retract the 'award' status on this tv (for a time) out of responsibility to their readers. They should make Sony aware of that fact and ask them not to feature it in any shop adverts etc (if indeed they are). Sure you can say that the "ones we have tested are fine" or "This seems to be a batch of Models", but at the end of it all, there are A LOT of these TVs circulating right now that have obvious screen defects. It is also a big consistancy with this model, compared to other makes/models. Until sony sorts it out, and handles the issue FAR better than they have so far, they should loose any potential 'extra' positive advertising from such reviews. This W4500 issue is, litterally i'm finding, littered ALL over audio/visual forums across the web.
I dont think that a quick mention of "some users have experienced clouding" is enough in a 'cons' section of a review. It should be stated that there have been a high rate or returns for this product and sony's advice, simply doesnt not work. Dimming contrast is unexcpetable one a tv that is sold on such a high contrast ratio. It barely makes a difference anyway....
Releasing a list of calibration settings is - frankly - an absolute joke. Its like saying, "You have spent £1000+ on a tv but you cannot have most of the settings over half way because it'll be a problem". That is something i would expect from a Technisonic or an Onn product sold at tesco and NOT a Sony Bravia.
Mine isnt as bad as some on this thread, but its there and i clocked it as soon as i turned it on. Annoyingly It IS an absolutely FANTASTIC TV. with 100 hz motion set to 'standard' Games are very smooth, especailly. The 360 on some games is simply astounding.
But of course, all of this counts for $*~t if there are clouds everytime you want to watch a film like batman/sin city/descent etc etc. completely destroying any sense of suspended disbelief.
If i decide to take it back, i have to deal with COMET which could be a pain. I know they like to test defects before swaps or re-funds. And unless they take it into the back and turn all the lights out, i dont see what they can test. Will keep you posted! I was in Currys the other day and randomly decided to ask some general advice, so gauge the reaction from them as they are a similar store. The sales guy didnt know what clouding was and looked at me like i had just caught the last shuttle from Mars. I'm not even confident he knew what the term 'backlight' meant. Sort of worries me about comet now, considering half the sets that accepted a 1080/24p signal in there store, they told me couldnt. They told me this, but refering to their consumer website! I could have bloody done that!! 😉 plus their website is wrong on many fronts!
Buying a TV is now officially harder than buying a PC. I think the state of the LCD/Plasma market is a consumer mess right now.