Many problems Sony 46W4500

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And then... what about changed TV sets???? If Sony doesn't recognize the problem... are dealers re-selling them???


...the shop (an official SONY dealer) let me know they would not change the TV or refund (because Sony would not be co operating)! The shop employees were aware of this 'clouding' problem and have seen it on several Sony LCD's...

If Sony do not deal with this problem then the outcome may be that shops refuse to stock the models that have been affected, simply because of the damage to the shops reputation. I note that Richer Sounds no longer offer this model via mail-order, only in store. I wonder if this is to avoid returns under the distance selling regulations?

This looks like it may become one of the worst own goals for a manufacturer for a long time.

And then... what about changed TV sets???? If Sony doesn't recognize the problem... are dealers re-selling them???

Very good question....

And then... what about changed TV sets???? If Sony doesn't recognize the problem... are dealers re-selling them???

Very good question....

Well your guess is as good as anyones, but the guy at the sony store that took mine back said he was sending it back to sony.
Asking myself... perhaps it's up to the "power" of the dealer. It's natural...

And then... what about changed TV sets???? If Sony doesn't recognize the problem... are dealers re-selling them???

Very good question....

Well your guess is as good as anyones, but the guy at the sony store that took mine back said he was sending it back to sony.

Interesting if Sony were accepting the return of 'faulty' sets from dealers but not the public!

And then... what about changed TV sets???? If Sony doesn't recognize the problem... are dealers re-selling them???

Very good question....

Well your guess is as good as anyones, but the guy at the sony store that took mine back said he was sending it back to sony.

Interesting if Sony were accepting the return of 'faulty' sets from dealers but not the public!

He could of been feeding me BS though, for all i know he could of repackaged it and bob yours uncle new tv, but he did seem a genuine chap and did speak to the rep and report the issue.
Clare Newsome:Oh yes, we've had LOTS of words with Sony. And our editor, Richard Melville, is with senior Sony bods in Japan this week, and is going to hammer it home right at the top, too....

Hi Claire,

Any news / responses from Japan yet ???

Secondly, Is there a possibility that "a particular" batch was not right, and newer versions of the same model might be flawless !

Thank you,

He's only just got there (and is with the Walkman/MP3 crew first - as you can read here)!He'll get onto TV folk later this week.

As for there being some rogue sets around, that (as you'll see if you plough through this entire thread) has been our guess from day one....
Hi Claire,

Thanks for the response....

Any Idea how can we (the potential buyer) identify the bad batch?? or the "latest batch" from each other ??


Dear Clare

You have recently presented the 2008 Awards listing the best TVs by class and the overall winner, but it is always nice to have a choice to consider to allow for personal tastes and current market prices. That leads me to suggest that you post and update a 'Best Buys Top 3 or Top 5 Ranking List' within some popular categories, eg. LCD & Plasma.

On this thread it would help the seemingly large number of people who are looking for a 40" or 42" (possibly stretching to 46") LCD or Plasma at around GBP 900-1200 and who want to be able to go to their local retailer with a valid and up to date shortlist. Let's face it a Pany Plasma is not the only alternative if you do not want to buy the W4500 series.

Also, how can I find out when the last TV supertest/group test was and when the next one will be?


Hi Alex,

Most of our reviews (in-mag and online) feature an "Also Consider" panel on the right, listing alternatives to that set. That gives you two other leading options to the product in question.

It's also very easy in our Reviews category pages (eg TVs, here) to search for, say, all the five-star sets (or four- and five-star sets; a four-star set may be better for your specific needs!) at a particular size and price points.Our advanced search function allows you to drill down into even more detail.

Re Group/Supertests on TVs - we do one every issue (as well as extra TV reviews in First Tests), varying the screen sizes as new models become available. For example, we're just finishing off a 37in Supertest for our January issue (in shops by December 11th), which includes seven sets new to the mag (vs the Panasonic Award winner).

Next up after that, I believe, will be 32in and 46in Group Tests for early next year.
Clare Newsome:

He's only just got there (and is with the Walkman/MP3 crew first - as you can read here)!He'll get onto TV folk later this week.

As for there being some rogue sets around, that (as you'll see if you plough through this entire thread) has been our guess from day one....


Can you shed some light on the fact that some of these are marketed as 46W4500U and some as 46W4500 - does mean some kinda code ??? I'm trying to ascertain the bad-batch TVs.

Ok thanks....though still think a 'running' ranking would be an additional help as it is quite difficult for me to see what I should be comparing the Sonys (40W4000/40W4500) to at similar price points.
I went to my local SONY centre today and the only tvs they had on show were the W4500 and the W4000. The W4500 was showing casino royal and i happened to be there on a very dark scene. There was no clouding what so ever. The picture was perfect. I asked the shop attendant if they had any problems with clouding on the w4500 and if any had be returned. He said not 1 set had been returned. I told all about finding loads of people that complained about clouding and he said "was this on internet forums"? yes i replied. He said chances are most tvs bought off the internet that had issues were because they werent UK sony tvs and foreign ones as alot of online shops sell these. And UK ones have had no problem what so ever. He said this happened with a previous sony range. I said if i buy a W4500 from here and if theres any sign of clouding would he replace it... his reply "MOST DEFINATELY with no hesitation as it shouldnt be there." This has put a bit of faith into me buying this tv again. The fact i have seen a perfect one in operation.
Ok thanks....though still think a 'running' ranking would be an additional help as it is quite difficult for me to see what I should be comparing the Sonys (40W4000/40W4500) to at similar price points.

Again, our search function allows this.

Here's a search, done with two clicks, of all 37-40in TVs in the same official (eg @£1100) price point as the Sonys:,Price-1001-1500!1/

And here's one at the lower price point,Price-601-1000!1/

Or you can do the same but include other TV sizes - ie just sort by price. Here's all five-star sets £600-£1000:!1,Star-Rating-5-stars!3/
I bought a 40" W4500 yesterday after weeks of reading negative stuff about them. When I turned it on, it was not perfect and there seemed to be severe clouding and backlight bleed. After some configuration this was reduced to minimal levels.

At lunch today, there appears to be no clouding or backlight bleed at all... Even off angle, which made it worse last night!! Not sure what has happened, but it could have been something to do with the TV noy being at room temperature when I turned it on last night? I've drawn the curtains and turned the lights off and there is still no sign of clouding or blb...

I'm very pleased with the TV and would recommend it to anyone who is looking for a 40" LCD!
Can I ask - where did you buy this from ? I'm after a 46" model......and after reading all the -ve stuff, there seems to be a light at the end of this tunnell.



I bought a 40" W4500 yesterday after weeks of reading negative stuff about them. When I turned it on, it was not perfect and there seemed to be severe clouding and backlight bleed. After some configuration this was reduced to minimal levels.

At lunch today, there appears to be no clouding or backlight bleed at all... Even off angle, which made it worse last night!! Not sure what has happened, but it could have been something to do with the TV noy being at room temperature when I turned it on last night? I've drawn the curtains and turned the lights off and there is still no sign of clouding or blb...

I'm very pleased with the TV and would recommend it to anyone who is looking for a 40" LCD!

Try it again after its been on for a while. Mine rears its ugly head after a few hours. Seems to be the same with a few other folk on here as well.
Mine is the same. After about 45/60 mins my clouding appears.

Wonder why the panel heating up causes this?

I went to my local SONY centre today ... He said chances are most tvs bought off the internet that had issues were because they werent UK sony tvs and foreign ones as alot of online shops sell these. And UK ones have had no problem what so ever.

Don't wish to appear rude, but his comments are absolute nonsense...

Is he saying Sony have different factories producing the same tv to different quality standards depending on which country they are destined to be sold in?

I have seen 2 sets on display in John Lewis that were both suffering from very noticeable clouding. Both definitely 'UK' models. Wherever you ultimately buy from, make sure you have the promise of an exchange in the event of a problem in writing, before you part with your hard-earned cash.
wish i had noticed mine quicker and exchanged, my own fault I guess.

will begin my letter writting to sony. won't make any difference but i'll vent my frustration.

even if sony can come up with a repair plan to change the ''faulty'', (yes sony!! this is the word you were looking for) panels that would be good enough.
I had the clouding which disappeared after a few days. Then the backlight bleed became noticeable when watching in a dark room.I'm normallly a fussy git but eventually i could find no real reason to return this tv. The SD and HD picture is sublime and the bleed is really only evident in a pitch black room. Even then the Wife thinks that I'm looking for a fault when she can see none. My retailer offered to exchange this set but I was worried that I would end up with a worse set, so I'm just enjoying this tv for all its worth.

I would have went for a Pioneer if money was no object,but this Sony is £1k cheaper and the Blu-ray picture is excellent in my opinion. I have followed every internet forum in regards to this tv and now I'm saying to hell with it as to be quite honest the 46W4500 is leaps and bounds above my previous 36" CRT.

My thanks to What Hi-Fi for hosting this forum,and for following up on a problem which affected many consumers. The perfect TV is still to be realised and hopefully we will all still be around in a few years to have it grace our living rooms.
I got my w4500 today and its a great tv so far only ran my 360/ sd sky box on it the sd picture is ok but my 360 looked great, up scaled dvd were ÿgood ÿas well,The sony center gave me a free blu ray player 5 yearsÿwarrantyÿand 5 free blu rays too, my set is perfect i have no clouding ÿor light bleed i tested it on a full black screen with the back light set to max in a dark room

ÿBefore i bought the Tv i took my 360 along to my local tv shop i tryed it on the new kurdo 37 inch LCD a few panny plasmas the sony x3500 and the w4000 the kurdo was better but only by a hair and in my opinion not work the extra money the sd quality was better on the panny's but when playing games or watching blu ray/up scaled dvds the w4500 was the winner.ÿ
Clare Newsome:

He's only just got there (and is with the Walkman/MP3 crew first - as you can read here)!He'll get onto TV folk later this week.

As for there being some rogue sets around, that (as you'll see if you plough through this entire thread) has been our guess from day one....

Any news from Japan ??? and what about identifying the bad batch ???


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