Lyngdorf TDAI 1120


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2015
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I have a pair of Linton heritage speakers in my main room which is 9*5 metres. I do like the sound but there is some bass boom in certain sections of the room.
Toed in somewhat accentuates the slight flabbiness but is necessary for TV watching and voices.

So, I have had my trusty Roksan K2 for years and it has served me well. However, an opportunity has arisen to get my hands on a Lyngdorf TDAI-1120. I was hoping Room Perfect might assist with the flabbiness in the bass.

What do you think? I am conscious that the K2 has a lot of wattage for that size room compared to the Lyngdorf. That said, the Lintons are pretty sensitive at 90db so I think they would be ok.

What are your thoughts on the two?


Well-known member
Bass traps in corners of the room. You hear 70% the room & 30% speakers
If you like your K2 add sound DSP / Room correction


Fandango Andy

Well-known member
I have a pair of Linton heritage speakers in my main room which is 9*5 metres. I do like the sound but there is some bass boom in certain sections of the room.
Toed in somewhat accentuates the slight flabbiness but is necessary for TV watching and voices.

So, I have had my trusty Roksan K2 for years and it has served me well. However, an opportunity has arisen to get my hands on a Lyngdorf TDAI-1120. I was hoping Room Perfect might assist with the flabbiness in the bass.

What do you think? I am conscious that the K2 has a lot of wattage for that size room compared to the Lyngdorf. That said, the Lintons are pretty sensitive at 90db so I think they would be ok.

What are your thoughts on the two?

The Lintons need plenty of space around them, have youngot them far enough from the walls? Try experimenting with the positioning and the toe in, it can make a massive difference.

Also those speakers have an offset treble, meaning there is a distinct left and right speaker have you got them the right way around?
It’s a decently large space you are trying to fill, pretty much the limit of what I’d expect Lintons to be sufficient for, if not a bit beyond. Floorstanders would be a more obvious match.

However, all rooms have modes and nodes which you’ll be aware of if you move around. The suggestions above are good, and I think a few pictures or a sketch of your layout would be informative. Room correction, whether in a Lyngdorf or an added on device, can be a big improvement but can also be tiresome to setup and unpredictable. It depends!

Can you try the aLyngdorf before you buy?


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