SonofSun: I ordered my from, they have just emailed to tell me they haven't got any stock.
Oh well, I suppose I have saved £45.
I ordered one from as they were advetising stock where many other places were stating they had no stock or the product was unavailable. I thought it might be worth trying for £45-ish. I got a phone call today to say that the supplier had got no more stock left, and that he'd e-mail me some alternatives, which he hasn't done. That's two things I've had cancelled today because companies are advertising stock they haven't got when they can't get any more. I can understand a few people being let down because stock has ran out, but not the amount of people that have been. Amazon let me down to after I placed an order for a limited edition item almost 20 days ago - only for them to cancel the order today as the supplier has no stock. Companies shouldn't be allowed to advertise stock of limited edition products when they're relying on the supplier having it, and not holding it in stock themselves. At least the eshopbrokers situation wasn't a limited edition product, but even so, if they have no stock and can't get it, it shouldn't be avertised.
Not a good day!!