My upgrades ~
Atacama equinox hifi racks: To be honest ive had them so long I cant recall but theyre certainly more stable than most
Russ Andrews mains block with RA classic cable: definite better quality picture on my tv
16 core machine braided copper mains cables: a big increase in quality in sound and vision
16 core machine braided solid silver mains cables: the difference to my amps was jaw dropping (Anyone who thinks mains cables cant make a difference need to do some more testing of their own methinks)
Isotek Mira mains conditioner: even better quality tv picture
Isotek Sigmas mains conditioner: took a month or so before major changes were apparant but theyre certainly there. Deeper and more musical bass, lots more detail etc
RA mains socket with earth connection: cant testify that it made much difference
Isolation rubbers underneath all equipment: slight increase in quality
Upgrade from qed HDMI to Wireworld starlight and Van Den Hul flat: I saw differences. (Im not geting anymore into digital cables
Sat speakers on solid concrete plinths: biggest difference to sound by a mile
Biwire: depends on the speakers but my old mission 780s (I think thats what they were) REALLY came alive after biwiring. My mates Gales (sic) made no difference at all when biwired
Biamp: hard to say for sure as I actually took my Arcam A85 completely out of the equation and put in my present P1000 power amp. But it was quite a difference in quality.
Upgrade from QED silver spiral speaker cable to custom made 32 core braided solid silver: hugh difference (I dont understand why people rate the silver spiral so highly)
Upgrade from QED silver spiral interconnect to HOMEAUDIO 8 core braided soild silver interconnects: voices came alive and everything sounded so much more 'realistic'
Pioneer dvd player (one of the 1st upscaling) to Pioneer LX50 dvd: far better sound and vision (The difference in digital sound quality was staggering)
CD players: Someone said they dont think they make any difference at any price? I auditioned some when my dad was after upgrading his CD32 (Which I use now). We listened to 4 ranging from 3.5k to 10k! There were CLEAR audible differences in them (Connected to a 5k amp and 5k speakers). So much so we (he) plumped for the Chord Blue (8.5k) which draws up so much detail its truly staggering. Yes, they may break the 'cd rulebook', but I dont care for such quality
Incidentally, when we auditioned the cd players we HATED the sound at first. It turns out the speaker cable being used was Nordosts 'silver wind'. Great for detail but poor for bass. So we swopped for something else (Cant recall what though) and there was an INSTANT change in quality for the better
Conclusion: just about everything ive ever done has made an aural difference save perhaps the mains socket