Long Shot but has anyone tried this


New member
Dec 11, 2008
Changed mind decided not going to bother with this thread - just going do my own testing to see

My expectation bias for this thread was huge.

I haven't tried whatever you were asking about but, in spite of scientific evidence to the contrary, I think they work and so does my wife.

chebby said:
Gaz37 said:
My expectation bias for this thread was huge.

I have a heavy cold at the moment, so my expectoration bias is huge...


;-) Do get well soon, I certainly hope the joke quality soon improves also. 🙂

And to the OP the answer is yes. I once shot over a mile...... ;-)
Right so just to explain what this was orignially about.

I bought an Isotek Nova and I already have an Isotek G2 Titan.

I was powering my whole system off of the Titan and I thought it was filtering it all - the penny dropped recently that this was not the case. After hearing the Uber Isotek products at the HiFi Live show I could hear a much higher noise floor with my own system that I wanted to try and close the gap on this best I can.

So I bought the Nova for my source components.

My Questions was going to be - Has anyone who has an Isotek Titan and Nova tried powering the Nova off of one of the Titan Filtered outlets instead of the wall and what was their thoughts on it??

I thought this could save me some time - but I also thought its a ripe thread for the usual arguement so I deleted the writing.

Well I thought now I have tested it myself I will feedback to any owners who might now want to try this.

With the Nova being powered off one of the filtered outlets of my Titan my overall system sounds MUCH Better - changing it to be powered from a non Filtered socket from elsewhere the sound is significantly worse - surprising actually but not at the same time

So if you own a Titan and a Nova, Sigmas or Aquarius or any of them try powering it from one of the Titan plug outlets and see if you think the same as me

Or if you own a sigmas, aquarius etc maybe consider getting a Titan to power it from as daisy chaining seems to work Great!
ellisdj said:
Right so just to explain what this was orignially about.

I bought an Isotek Nova and I already have an Isotek G2 Titan.

I was powering my whole system off of the Titan and I thought it was filtering it all - the penny dropped recently that this was not the case. After hearing the Uber Isotek products at the HiFi Live show I could hear a much higher noise floor with my own system that I wanted to try and close the gap on this best I can.

So I bought the Nova for my source components.

My Questions was going to be - Has anyone who has an Isotek Titan and Nova tried powering the Nova off of one of the Titan Filtered outlets instead of the wall and what was their thoughts on it??

I thought this could save me some time - but I also thought its a ripe thread for the usual arguement so I deleted the writing.

Well I thought now I have tested it myself I will feedback to any owners who might now want to try this.

With the Nova being powered off one of the filtered outlets of my Titan my overall system sounds MUCH Better - changing it to be powered from a non Filtered socket from elsewhere the sound is significantly worse - surprising actually but not at the same time

So if you own a Titan and a Nova, Sigmas or Aquarius or any of them try powering it from one of the Titan plug outlets and see if you think the same as me

Or if you own a sigmas, aquarius etc maybe consider getting a Titan to power it from as daisy chaining seems to work Great!

Hmmm I might give that a try .

I have always been a little underwhelmed by the change my Nova made.

The Titan on it's own made an astonishing improvement .

I will try it over the next few days and let you know. *smile*
I started using it like it for convienience and because I read it was suggested to do it with the new G3 range and if it works good for that range it will be the same regardless in my eyes. Today I tried powering it off another plug and oh no worse - then however with it powered off the Tian the more other units (Linear Power Supply) I powered off the Nova the better my system sounded

Electro we need a Blue Horizon Mains Noise Analyser - just to do some testing with. If your feeling well off they are not cheap but would be handy to access to for a play with *biggrin*

EDIT - Electro bear in mind the Multi Link outlet from the Titan is not filtered so its no good using that, you need to use of the main plug sockets and you have mono amps so it will leave you a plug short. I am in a similar position no filtering on my subs at the minute

On the G3 Titan the multi link outlet is filtered as well but its damn expensive
$25.000 evo 3 genesis has 4 outputs..

what is you require 5? do you simply order second unit?
ellisdj said:
I started using it like it for convienience and because I read it was suggested to do it with the new G3 range and if it works good for that range it will be the same regardless in my eyes. Today I tried powering it off another plug and oh no worse - then however with it powered off the Tian the more other units (Linear Power Supply) I powered off the Nova the better my system sounded

Electro we need a Blue Horizon Mains Noise Analyser - just to do some testing with. If your feeling well off they are not cheap but would be handy to access to for a play with *biggrin*

EDIT - Electro bear in mind the Multi Link outlet from the Titan is not filtered so its no good using that, you need to use of the main plug sockets and you have mono amps so it will leave you a plug short. I am in a similar position no filtering on my subs at the minute

On the G3 Titan the multi link outlet is filtered as well but its damn expensive

I didn't know that, I always assumed that it was filtered to be used with the multi link six way add on strip, it's a bit of a bummer realy it would have been an ideal way to connect it .

If you go to powerinspired.com, and look at their mains regenerators, you can purchase a 1.5kwatt version for £549.00.

Under no circumstances purchase a "hifi" specific unit. It may have L'oil De snake in it.


Electro I didnt either until the other day - I used to power my processor / dac off the power Block I made which runs off that Multi Link - thats how you heard it when you came here.

The chap I bought the Nova off - he has a G3 Titan but he thought the G2 also filtered off the multi link so maybe I am wrong
Not all mains regenrators are good - check this review out.

Sorry to gazzip who just bought the PS Audio P10 - doesnt say good things about it

Interesting Video as well re Cheap Wall Mart SMPS Power Supplies that a lot of stuff runs off on your mains at home
ellisdj said:
Not all mains regenrators are good - check this review out.

Sorry to gazzip who just bought the PS Audio P10 - doesnt say good things about it

Interesting Video as well re Cheap Wall Mart SMPS Power Supplies that a lot of stuff runs off on your mains at home

The link to 6moons was for a mains conditioner or other, not a mains regenerator, which are completely different. A mains regenerator is like an inline UPS, but without the batteries. The incoming AC mains is converted to DC, and then converted back to AC.


You didn't read it all they test the output from the ps audio p10 mains regenerator and they pick up sorts of noise and actually radio stations.

Compared to the older PS Audio PP power plant regenerator they get a 0 score and silence.

Also I have read before that the power supplies in regenerator put more noise back on the line but I have not tested any.

I can say my brief listen to a system with the £20k uber isoteks was also uber impressive
ellisdj said:
You didn't read it all they test the output from the ps audio p10 mains regenerator and they pick up sorts of noise and actually radio stations.

Compared to the older PS Audio PP power plant regenerator they get a 0 score and silence.

Also I have read before that the power supplies in regenerator put more noise back on the line but I have not tested any.

I can say my brief listen to a system with the £20k uber isoteks was also uber impressive

The test shows that when the regenerator is placed inline, it does remove the noise on the mains. It will not stop Electromagnetic Interference - so air borne RF noise will still impact.

Again, the commercial off the shelf (COTS) products as stated are exactly the same as audio specific except for the marketing and price.

Of note, if you believe the technical review as per 6moons, then why not accept that a non audio based product that is 50x cheaper, is just as good? That is, what "magic" is the audio company applying to make their products so special?


That's wrong the pp regenerator does stop it the p10 doesn't.
The filter based products also stop it.

But it's more complex than that if you read the whole

I have no problem with something cheaper being excellent and better than something expensive. I was just saying the fact it's a regenerator doesn't make it better
mosaic series is recommended for systems between £10000 - £35000.. there are 3 units available in this series costing between £1800 - £8100.

I'm guessing for a £10000 system £1800 isotek product is appropriate plus relevant cables..

I had £10000 system ( so I could use the cheapest isotek unit) but I've replaced this system with a £1800 one that sounds better.

Would I still benefit if I'd use isotek unit?
ellisdj said:
That's wrong the pp regenerator does stop it the p10 doesn't. The filter based products also stop it.

But it's more complex than that if you read the whole article.

I have no problem with something cheaper being excellent and better than something expensive. I was just saying the fact it's a regenerator doesn't make it better

It states that the PPP has filtering and the other does not. This is the difference. There is a lack of technical details in the PS Audio data sheet but it does allude to measurements, of which you don't know how they were measured and how they relate to the system.




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