I'm heading off to Pukkelpop festival (Belgium) towards the end of
August. I noticed that Opeth were playing and I'm hoping to pay them a
visit, Big Chris sprang to mind, so I was hoping to add a post asking what
albums I'd be best listening to before I head over to the land of scary
lager. But where do I post? Not hi-fi, not home cinema, not mp3, where is the
forum to discuss live music, gigs, festivals? This would be an ideal home for discussing future gigs as well as numerous post gig
threads. Surely not off topic? I enjoy live music and I know many others do too. Make it
August. I noticed that Opeth were playing and I'm hoping to pay them a
visit, Big Chris sprang to mind, so I was hoping to add a post asking what
albums I'd be best listening to before I head over to the land of scary
lager. But where do I post? Not hi-fi, not home cinema, not mp3, where is the
forum to discuss live music, gigs, festivals? This would be an ideal home for discussing future gigs as well as numerous post gig
threads. Surely not off topic? I enjoy live music and I know many others do too. Make it