kaotician:If you mean to suggest that on the one hand knightout is taking the reviewer's word for it and on the other that he's not accepting Lexicon's word for what they've done, and that therefore he's biased in some way or being unfair, you should perhaps be reminded that knightout's view is based on observable empirical evidence, whereas Lexicon's claim otherwise, as it stands, is merely an assertion. That's a perfectly legitimate intellectual position to take, and I'm of the view that knightout has argued his case reasonably and fairly, paying close attention to actual facts.
All I'm trying to do is point out a couple of slightly hypocritical arguments from the said "unbiased" viewpoints (which to be fair,
knightout has admitted several times he is no way unbiased in this!). Perhaps proof is on the way from Lexicon - it may not be as simple as getting a fully prepared piece of documentation out of the cupboard in case someone accuses us of copying someone else's machine. Perhaps proof of the improvements needs to be gathered and prepared to ensure it fully satisfies all the critics. I suspect Lexicon also still have a number of things they have to get on with in a "business as usual" perspective as well as keeping a few forumites happy by answering their questions.
At the end of the day, I'm not saying Lexicon are guilty or innocent of anything. However, it does appear a lot of claims are being made without all the evidence being available. I am therefore saying I'm not willing to make any judgement
until all the evidence is available (this is a fairly common procedure in western countries). This either means a statement from Lexicon on the improvements made to prove their case, or a more thorough analysis done by the reviewer to prove that both pieces of kit are exactly the same. Not just the "here's some photos - they look the same therefore they are the same" argument we've seen so far.
But that's just me, I've said me piece now, so will be off