KEF 3005se, v B&W MT-30 v MA RS1 AV v MA RS6 AV


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi all

This is decision week for my speakers. So I would like advise from all the people who know loads about home cinema. I am looking for speakers that aren't too big. If I have missed out any then please tell me. Thanks everyone for all of your previous help


"Aren't too big" means the RS6 AV is off your list.

You mentioned in another post you have around £1600 to spend, which means you don't have to 'settle' for the 3005SEs, so they're outta here.

That leaves the MT-30 and the RS1s. The RS1s will undoubtedly give a bigger (and better) sound, but of course you then have to deal with the not so small matter of actually living with fairly chunky speakers and stands around your room. If you've got the space then great, if not then you might need to look elsewhere.

The MT-30 system is a great sounding system (I know, I have one), and has discrete installation on its side too. OK, you're gonna be losing something when compared to traditional speakers, I guess the question is what are you prepared to do?

One thing that hasn't been mentioned is perhaps a slight 'mix 'n' match' approach. You could for example use a pair of RS1s on stands for your front pair but use some of the M.A Radius range for the surrounds and the centre. Likewise, you could run a pair of B&W 685s for your front pair and then use the M1 satellites for the centre and surrounds.
If you've got space under your TV, you could use the matching centre for the B&W 685s (Or the M.A RS1s......Sorry, don't know the model designations) and use the style system speakers purely for the surround channels.

I would advise auditioning all of your shortlisted packages. You may find that the style systems packages don't lose as much as you think, compared to their traditional cousins.
Agree with Chris, would point out though that the RS6's will take up the same space as RS1's on stands but will give a fuller sound.

You need to sit down and have a good listen to them and compare. Suspect it will be a straight choice between the B&W MT-30 and the RS6 AV package.
One is more compact, the other more musical. Both are excellent systems.


So could I go with the mt-30 sub woofer (pv1), the 3 front speakers of the (b&w)685 and then the two m1's . Will they work with each other and be compatible. What do you expect the outcome to be. I really appreciate all your helpful advise guys




So could I go with the mt-30 sub woofer (pv1), the 3 front speakers of the (b&w)685 and then the two m1's . Will they work with each other and be compatible. What do you expect the outcome to be. I really appreciate all your helpful advise guys



Sorry to throw you a curve ball but I have RS6s as my fronts (would be the same size as 685s on stands) and the matching centre speaker with MA R90s (small style speakers) as rears and RSW12 sub. This would blow the suggested system out of the water.
For sound quality I have heard nothing to match (for the money) the RS6 AV system. The rear RSFX's mounted near the ceiling are not only well out of the way but work lovely.
You have to be careful about mixing and matching different speakers as it is so easy to lose timing and phase. Choosing a good AV package carefully put together by the manufacture has a lot going for it.

You need to sit down and have a good audition and buy the system that ticks YOUR boxes.
Sub / Sat is always a compromise.

My order is preference is MA Radius, B&W MT, and Kefs Eggs falling behind.

If music is important to you I'd urge the move to traditional speakers though.


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