Katherine Jenkins


New member
May 25, 2011
Not exactly hifi but a spin off, musical interest? Hazel, being seriously disabled, its hard to get her out, for more than a push around Morrisons. We have discussed options like specialist holidays, a few days back home in Hartlepool (250 miles away!) with her family, the logistics of basic living is a major problem, we dont realise how lucky we are to be 'fairly' healthy? I'm not so good these day, but positively sprightly by comparison . . . 8)

So a treat was the next idea, we are not restaurant people. Rummaging about on the web, I chanced on an open air concert in Thetford Forest, organised by the Forestry Commission, featured artist, Ketherine Jenkins, 12th of July taking a chance on British weather . . . lets hope this summer is like last year. The venue is only 30 minutes drive from home.

Tickets are £39, I go for free as Hazels carer, disabled parking, a wheelchair viewing platform, pic-nicks are allowed along with the paraphialia that accompanies them, I cam make it one hell of a pick-nick? Doors open at 6pm, main event starts 7.30, finish 10.15pm.

It aint a Holiday, but something to look forward to for both of us to break up the frustrations of living a restricted life? The only one who wont like it will be Oliver our dog, he will have to stay 'at home alone' . . .

I'm sure you will enjoy it, Katherine is a great artist, you could always buy Oliver the CD.........
The Forestry Commission have half a dozen or so each summer at their sites.

I saw Blondie at Westonbirt last year, and have tickets for Suede this year.

Paul Weller, Little Mix and some boy band are also doing Forestry Commission dates. I think their migh be one left to announce.

I quite it fancied going to see KJ, but it's an absolute nightmare getting in and out of Westonbirt, but I couldn't resist with Siede.

Now youre on their mailing list they'll inform you about other concerts.
I went to Castle Howard to see among others Wynne Evans, on an outdoor stage down by the lake. He is best known as the tenor in the Go Compare adverts, but is a real singer - a principal with Welsh National and English National Opera. He sang beautifully, and told some appaling if very funny jokes. It was a warm night, the picnic was top notch and the atmosphere wonderful. I'm sure you're in for a similar experience. Definitely something to lookj forwards to.
It was beautiful when we went but got freezing later on. Then the next night went to see Paloma Faith and it chucked it down.

In June too.

Take plenty of layers.


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