Native_bon said:
Just to make the point about home music sounding more dynamic than live music. I have experienced this firsthand with some recordings from a Acid jazz funk group called Incognito.
This is due to fact that the live sound is looped through compressors and limiters to the Pa speakers, while the live recording goes straight to CD or which ever format bypassing any form of dynamic compression.
Sounds much more dynamic than the live show at home due to more head room, but not perceived as loud as the live show.
Strickly speaking, this is not live music. It is an entirely artificial construct so there really is no reference. The last live music I heard, just a few days ago, was in a small pub in twickenham. A four piece band, the only thing amplified was the electric piano, which of course had its own amp and speaker, sax, bass and drums were all 'au naturel'.
We were no more than 15-20ft away from the musicians so it could be reproduced in a decent sized domestic room, with the right sort of setup anyway. Most hi-fi systems simply could not cope with the peak levels or the explosive transients, they just would not have the headroom, the 'bin and horn' systems we have been discussing just might!