Ellis, my good man, I think you need re-educating.
How very dare you come on here with your unapproved questions, unsolicited opinions and offers of help. It's a hifi forum for goodness sake, so show some decorum.
Now, contrary to popular belief, Hi-Fi forums are not the friendly cyber spaces, where enthusiasts come together in order to partake in interesting, fruitful and respectful debate......where's the fun in that?
There are a few simple rules, which if followed, will greatly help with the whole experience:
1. If you want to know whether your questions or opinions are appropriate, you need to submit them to the Science Junta for approval, and they will (unequivocally) give you a red or green light.
2. Contrary to what logic might suggest, when it comes to evaluating accessories, do not listen for yourself, but ask the advice of someone who hasn't listened to it, and they will tell you if it's worth hearing.
3. In order to get your findings taken seriously, you need to (a) invest in a technical lab, with all manner of oscilloscopes and sciencey gubbins (b) do an electronics degree, so that you can use your new equipment (c) go into partnership with a University Research Department, who will conduct and verify proper ABX, Blind and Double Blind tests, ensuring correct protocol is followed.....strictly no spouses or partners allowed.
4. Ignore all the gullible nutters who populate the forum, whose only goal is to brainwash you and weaken your resolve.
5. Recognize that you may well be an Audioholic; the symptoms of which usually include:
- An insatiable desire to tinker and improve your system with Foo.
- A strong and irrational determination to believe that what you are hearing, is real.
- An unfathomable desire to share your subversive knowledge with others.
- A belief that Hifi is a subjective experience, and enjoyment matters more than measurements.
Now if you are an Audioholic, there is hope.
If caught in the early stages, the good folk of the Junta will be more than happy to straighten you out; but if you have an ingrained and long term problem, more drastic action is needed. This requires you to join the AVI forum, whose no-nonsense, Foo-busting approach, should act like a defibrillator, shocking you back to reality. Though there is the proviso that you mustn't get banned before you get cured. Don't say you haven't been warned.
Once cured, the Hifi world is now your oyster. For example, after a period of probation (usually about 18 months), if you haven't relapsed, you can apply to join the ranks of the Science Junta. Acceptance should be seen as quite an honour, since not everyone gets in. You need to have a stout heart and a dogged persistence to fight Foo wherever you find it. Your reward is in the sense of intense satisfaction gained from the propagation of proper, unadulterated Science.