stevebrock said:
it is interesting the variation in price of valves ie KT88s some are £60 for pair up to £150 pair - I havent got a clue to be honest!
O'boy, been there, don that got the t-shirt. I went up to £400 for a quad set of fancy KT88 :O frankly they were'nt worth it, got my money back, you can do that over the internet with UK suppliers, they dont like it and will fight it, but it is the law.
Floyd gave me a lot of help, very grateful, I have made mistakes. I favor the Russian valves, my Sovtek KT88 are (6 months ago?) £23 each, sound better to me than anything I have tried. Applies also to the other valves, also Russian, vary from £3 to £17, the £3 ones cost more for p&p than the valve cost,
The point is Steve, if you are enjoying the ST40 as it comes, then dont worry about it, just enjoy. After my experience, I would even say, dont go down the 'valve rolling rout', until it is time to replace the valves after a few 1000 hours . . . if you are luck :? Then again, if you are like me, I could not wait to see how much more I could extract from the ST40. Thinking high cost equaled high sound quality . . . dont believe it. I learned, as Floyd has said, its how a valve sounds to you in your system and environment that counts, not what it cosys.