Question How well positioned are your loudspeakers?

Fandango Andy

Well-known member
I visit many people’s homes with work. As most people don’t have anything resembling a HiFi system, it’s always a pleasant surprise when I see one. I recently visited a house that had two systems made up of quality equipment. However, the main one had speakers sat on a marble fireplace hearth less than a meter apart and only about two centimetres from the surround, also marble. I have no idea how the system sounded but I guarantee it could have sounded considerably better with a little adjustment to the position; they had plenty of space to do this!

I see things like this all the time, not just in homes, but also on this forum when people post images of speakers against walls, or on shelves. Like many people my main system is in my living room and comes with some positioning compromises. This became more noticeable a few years ago when I moved from the most forgiving speakers to a pair that need careful positioning. I got it right in the end. This is why I ask purely out of curiosity:

How well positioned are your loudspeakers?
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Well-known member
How well positioned are your loudspeakers?
Not badly.
Front ported, 2 metres apart, on solid stands and toed in to form an equilateral triangle with my listening position.
One speaker is closer than I would prefer, to a corner.
But, more importantly, for the good of the sound, there is no bare floor in the room and two of the walls and the entire ceiling have been treated to (very successfully) reduce the overall reverberation in the room.
Better still, there's never anyone else in the room, so I only ever hear the proper volume levels (which, during the daytime at least, must always be above conversation level)
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Pretty well. They are compatible, size-wise, 4.5m+ apart, plenty of room to either side. Could possibly be a little further from the rear wall, but I don't want the dogs getting in the habit of going behind them.
I did wonder where 12th Monkey went.....
My speakers are positioned as well as I can get them for a bedroom set-up.


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Apr 27, 2011
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Pretty well. I use the Sumiko method because - unlike many other methods - it actually takes into account the room. Symmetrical positioning in a real room is almost never the ideal, because most real rooms are not acoustically symmetrical.

It's also important to remember that close positioning to a wall is not necessarily bad positioning - it's often better to be close coupled to the wall rather than 6-18" off, which is often a 'dead zone' area. Try it yourselves - stand with your back to the wall, and talk in a low, consistent tone. Shuffle off the wall, and you'll find the power in the voice drop or disappear, and then eventually come back. Problem is, this dead zone often aligns with where a lot of people like to place their speakers - in line with the furniture.