ellisdj said:CNo mate
If you listen to these through some half decent headphones from a half decent phone, or on your main system you should be able to hear the difference between the 2 that is representative of the real thing
(New JCat Femto USB Card in my source) and the Arcam P49.
CnoEvil said:ellisdj said:CNo mate
If you listen to these through some half decent headphones from a half decent phone, or on your main system you should be able to hear the difference between the 2 that is representative of the real thing
(New JCat Femto USB Card in my source) and the Arcam P49.
The only headphones I own are some JVC Gumys (which have been through the wash a couple of times!). I will have to rely on your assessment.
ellisdj said:CnoEvil said:ellisdj said:CNo mate
If you listen to these through some half decent headphones from a half decent phone, or on your main system you should be able to hear the difference between the 2 that is representative of the real thing
(New JCat Femto USB Card in my source) and the Arcam P49.
The only headphones I own are some JVC Gumys (which have been through the wash a couple of times!). I will have to rely on your assessment.
ok mate, nevermind - you could try playback on your main system, I will be doing the review hopefully tonight anyway
Takes a long time to do all this and put it all together etc.
ellisdj said:Thats great Feedback Electro mate - I really appreciate it. You have been in here as well - its changed a fair bit since you was here, speakers, acoustics, listening position but its still very much the same room vibe etc, so you know what its like first hand.
I did think they were crackers, I recorded Hotel California off the Hell Freezes over album, sadly it got blocked by YT which is a shame as it was Real Good. I have 2 more to post up - one is Opera for the fans of that music style. Then I need to do the review people care most about that.
The system sounds the best it ever has with the JCat Femto and the Arcam P49 no question - however in terms of the recordings I am using Pioneer HRM6 Headphones and I can monitor the recordings so much better. So it will be this standard or better going forward - good time to subscribe if you havent already
I am still keen to try your electro amp mate, I need to tie in with you - 1 at a time, need to finish this one first
ellisdj said:Cno mate - Review all done for you
CnoEvil said:ellisdj said:Cno mate - Review all done for you
Nice to meet you! *biggrin*
As for your review, I give it a *good* *good*
I would have the following comments:
- I still have an A&R A60 going strong in another room.
- Creek use Class G in their Evo 100A
- The letterbox vent at the front is for extra ventilation...I think there is a fan that can cut in if necessary.
- My ego is slightly hurt, that I didn't influenence your decision to try the New Refs and Arcam Class G ie. How good they are individually and especially how well they work together....or maybe I did, subliminally. Even your choice of "Take Five" as a demo track, has been one of my strong recommendations.
- I think your description of the P49 is spot on. It is a prime example of how an amp can be both detailed/revealing and musical. It plays music in a way, where it just gets out of way. You get so involved, that you forget it's there....which is also a big trait of the Refs.
- I also agree with with paying attention to isolation and cabling.
- If you ever get a chance to hear the MF AMS stuff ( I haven't heard the Nu Vista), you should take it. It takes the sound you are hearing to another level...especially Primo/AMS50.
- If you get the chance to borrow a Linn Akurate DS, you should also try it...I'd be interested to see what you think, compared with what you have.
ellisdj said:Thanks very much CNo - mate for the feedback. Am I as handsome as you expected... ???
It wasnt as good as I wanted it to be - I ended up filming it all on my own late last night, its harder than it looks - mu son is ill and I had to take him to the docors yesterday evening which ruined my plan for things. Its ok for a first go I feel, bit waffley.
I didnt know Creek had a class G amp, thats genuine. The Arcam P49 barely gets warm and its got a vented bottom, I dont think it needs another vent - to me thats more for show. Maybe it helps if you rack the amp or have it closed in on a hifi type rack with never enough space as they always dont have.
I am getting very interested to try a Musical Fidelity amp, you are definately fuelling that. I was looking at the M8 500s
How does that compare to the ones you mention - I dont know the MF range at all
I have heard a Linn Streamer - when I first demo'd the Ref's. It was a mid range one not a top of the range. Maybe I will look to test one out in the future if I can get one to loan. I think the audio pc will take all digital sources down so would be a good test.
ellisdj said:That was the point I was trying to get across but didnt fully - Arcam would say its the house look but really they are being sensible / frugal using the same chassis design - obviously quite a lot of companies do this as well meridian, cyrus etc.
I think Arcam have been doing that slot longer as this is what I had https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=arcam+p7+power+amp&rlz=1C9BKJA_enGB711GB711&hl=en-US&prmd=sivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiP89WY_5rUAhUpDMAKHXrEBcAQ_AUICigC&biw=1024&bih=653#imgrc=shMPwP42Ojx42M:CnoEvil said:ellisdj said:That was the point I was trying to get across but didnt fully - Arcam would say its the house look but really they are being sensible / frugal using the same chassis design - obviously quite a lot of companies do this as well meridian, cyrus etc.
That slot appeared on the AVR600 (which has similar Class G credentials), and this is what one review said, "At the bottom is a ventilation slot that the receiver uses for either convection or fan cooling, depending on its mood".
Don't argue....I've been doing the Arcam Class G thing since the beginning! *wink*
Blacksabbath25 said:I think Arcam have been doing that slot longer as this is what I had https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=arcam+p7+power+amp&rlz=1C9BKJA_enGB711GB711&hl=en-US&prmd=sivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiP89WY_5rUAhUpDMAKHXrEBcAQ_AUICigC&biw=1024&bih=653#imgrc=shMPwP42Ojx42M:CnoEvil said:ellisdj said:That was the point I was trying to get across but didnt fully - Arcam would say its the house look but really they are being sensible / frugal using the same chassis design - obviously quite a lot of companies do this as well meridian, cyrus etc.
That slot appeared on the AVR600 (which has similar Class G credentials), and this is what one review said, "At the bottom is a ventilation slot that the receiver uses for either convection or fan cooling, depending on its mood".
Don't argue....I've been doing the Arcam Class G thing since the beginning! *wink*
like I said above mine did get hot but then it was a 7 channel power amp I had the Av 8 processor I think at the time it was the first THX certificate amplifier on the market . Lovely setup that was played music very well as well as movies .CnoEvil said:Blacksabbath25 said:I think Arcam have been doing that slot longer as this is what I had https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=arcam+p7+power+amp&rlz=1C9BKJA_enGB711GB711&hl=en-US&prmd=sivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiP89WY_5rUAhUpDMAKHXrEBcAQ_AUICigC&biw=1024&bih=653#imgrc=shMPwP42Ojx42M:CnoEvil said:ellisdj said:That was the point I was trying to get across but didnt fully - Arcam would say its the house look but really they are being sensible / frugal using the same chassis design - obviously quite a lot of companies do this as well meridian, cyrus etc.
That slot appeared on the AVR600 (which has similar Class G credentials), and this is what one review said, "At the bottom is a ventilation slot that the receiver uses for either convection or fan cooling, depending on its mood".
Don't argue....I've been doing the Arcam Class G thing since the beginning! *wink*
I used to have the AVR350, which didn't have the slot....the AVR600 was much more powerful and did. I believe that it has a practical function (as stated in the review I quoted), even if it was a design function carried over from the P7.
It would probably have been simpler and cheaper to make a rectangular box without it.
Blacksabbath25 said:like I said above mine did get hot but then it was a 7 channel power amp I had the Av 8 processor I think at the time it was the first THX certificate amplifier on the market . Lovely setup that was played music very well as well as movies .
what's crazy is they both still make good money the P7 I've seen selling for £800 mark and the Av8 around the £500 markCnoEvil said:Blacksabbath25 said:like I said above mine did get hot but then it was a 7 channel power amp I had the Av 8 processor I think at the time it was the first THX certificate amplifier on the market . Lovely setup that was played music very well as well as movies .
SQ wise, it had (has) a performance that is still right up there...it's just the AV8 just can't handle modern formats....though the P7 could be matched with the AV888.