Hifi prices...


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Aug 10, 2019
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With arcam and cyrus both increaseing there prices due to our weak pound how many other companys will follow suit? i rarely buy new gear anymore, i always look for quality used hifi either from my dealer or ebay, if this current financial situation continues and with uk hifi companys putting prices up the only option is to get used equipment, Arcam has upped the price of its fmj cd17 from 500 to 700 pounds! thats quite a heffty increase. I can see more people turning to the used market, theres lots of bargains out that there to be had and i will continue to buy used hifi.

jase fox

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Apr 24, 2008
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Yes Jimm prices for new kit are getting higher all the time, i do understand were your coming from by wanting to purchase a bargain but me personally i do prefer "brand new" components as i like to be the 1st owner, ha.

But luckily for me i have all i need for a while, i wont be doing any more upgrades until at least next year & then i can do just one upgrade at a time as normally i require 2 or 3 new pieces of kit.

Although 2nd hand kit that looks to be in prime condition are tempting i'd still sooner pay the extra for a "new" one...


I can afford to buy new but only up to a certain point, if i had the choice of a brand new cd player at 400 pounds or a used machine that retailed around the thousand mark i would go for the used as the performence should be better, sound quality is my priority, it doesnt really bother me if its pre-owned or not.


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I fail to undersand the argument of a weak pound being an excuse to increase prices for a UK manufacturer..still, 2nd hand equipment is a great way to upgrade if you shop with care, and depeds on what you are looking for. For example, right now its a good time to be selling a Sondek, as the ebay prices have rocketed. Thankfully I was the seller this time round and made a very healthy profit after 3 years of ownership. I bought my speakers Spendor S6e's 2nd hand for about 50% of the price of a new pair. They are in immaculate condition and perfect working order and no doubt have many many years of life left in them, plus they have already been run in!


Prices for used equipment are going up slowly too. Most evident is in camera lenses, for example, and I think it applies to hi-fi as well. People see that retail prices are now much higher so increase their asking prices...


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Feb 7, 2009
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jase fox:Yes Jimm prices for new kit are getting higher all the time, i do understand were your coming from by wanting to purchase a bargain but me personally i do prefer "brand new" components as i like to be the 1st owner, ha. But luckily for me i have all i need for a while, i wont be doing any more upgrades until at least next year & then i can do just one upgrade at a time as normally i require 2 or 3 new pieces of kit. Although 2nd hand kit that looks to be in prime condition are tempting i'd still sooner pay the extra for a "new" one...

Yes, I prefer new also, everyone does. But with so called high-end audio, there are so many "like new" components available, it's the smart way to go. There's also dealer demo and discontinued stock often available at bargain prices. I'm looking at a pair of dynaudio audience speakers right now that are listed as "new in the box" for about half their original retail price... The great thing about a deal like that and buying used in general is that if you don't like it, you can sell and get most of your money back.

jase fox

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Apr 24, 2008
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jase fox:Yes Jimm prices for new kit are getting higher all the time, i do understand were your coming from by wanting to purchase a bargain but me personally i do prefer "brand new" components as i like to be the 1st owner, ha. But luckily for me i have all i need for a while, i wont be doing any more upgrades until at least next year & then i can do just one upgrade at a time as normally i require 2 or 3 new pieces of kit. Although 2nd hand kit that looks to be in prime condition are tempting i'd still sooner pay the extra for a "new" one...

Yes, I prefer new also, everyone does. But with so called high-end audio, there are so many "like new" components available, it's the smart way to go. There's also dealer demo and discontinued stock often available at bargain prices. I'm looking at a pair of dynaudio audience speakers right now that are listed as "new in the box" for about half their original retail price... The great thing about a deal like that and buying used in general is that if you don't like it, you can sell and get most of your money back.
Each to there own is what i say?? And if i can still afford to buy new then thats exactly what ill continue to do.


Ex demo gear is great, i bought an ex dem arcam cd192 boxed for 400 pounds from seven oaks a couple of years ago, there are plenty of deals like this available if you look.

the record spot

Shadow Audio in Glenrothes - one high end dealer that gets superb kit for a fraction of the money, usually throws in a manufacturer's warranty, or a 6 month one of their own. Great shop, really nice guys too.


Anyone know of any good forums for high end classifieds? Not thinking of eBay, but for the PMC sort of quality range, where would you look second hand?


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Unfortunately the price rises were inevitable given the economic situation/exchange rate problems, but I can't help wondering whether some of the rises needed to be quite so drastic.

In some cases it has hit products that weren't very competitive in the first place. The Arcam A18 was just about OK at £500 (though easily seen off by cheaper alternatives from Cambridge, NAD, Rotel, and Marantz), but at £700 it is well out of its depth. Its just too close in price to products like the Cambridge 840A which is just in a completely different league. Even with its own price rises, the Nait 5i is within close reach and, again, is a completely different proposition.

Pro-ject are also going to have to be careful. The Debut III is now looking expensive at £240. Its a decent enough budget deck, but that money can buy something pretty stunning second hand. You are well into used Rega P3 territory and, again, there is just no comparison.

I was also looking at Denon's price rises. Last year, when I had my brief period with their 1500 series amp and CD, I paid £550 and £450 respectively and, in the end, didn't feel that they were worth the money compared to other products out there. Some places are now asking £800-£900 each for these components, which represents a huge price increase on products that hardly had massive dealer support or big reputations in the first place.

It will be interesting to see how things develop over the coming months.


I personally look for ex dem gear as the prices of new equipment rises even further, after all we can't all be MPs...........


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Aug 27, 2008
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My dad recently ordered a denon preamp which on the day it arrived went up by 1k! They let him have it at the original price though


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Aug 17, 2007
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was just about to buy the sanyo plv z700 for 999 off amzon/play - price gone up on both to 1229.99 - massive jump - i know prices of raw mat have gone up/weak pound ect but it feels to me like if costs have gone up by say 10% let make in 20% - don't expect any business to run at a loss - but its like they are trying to cover their % loss in sales due to downturn of economy by overly increasing prices to compensate


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Aug 17, 2007
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wouldn't it be better to sell at slightly less and take a hit on percentage profits short term in the hope of increasin volume at least that way you keep all your workforce employed and the infrastructure running than increasing prices and reducing demand for your products


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Aug 27, 2008
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matengawhat:wouldn't it be better to sell at slightly less and take a hit on percentage profits short term in the hope of increasin volume at least that way you keep all your workforce employed and the infrastructure running than increasing prices and reducing demand for your products

I take it you ARE aware of the 'credit crunch'? People are losing their jobs. Companies are 'cutting back' or folding alltogether. Im pretty sure each and every company worth its salt is doing what it can to ride through these troubled times.


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Aug 24, 2007
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matengawhat:wouldn't it be better to sell at slightly less and take a hit on percentage profits short term in the hope of increasin volume at least that way you keep all your workforce employed and the infrastructure running than increasing prices and reducing demand for your products ÿ


I take it you ARE aware of the 'credit crunch'?ÿ People are losing their jobs. Companies are 'cutting back' or folding alltogether. Im pretty sure each and every company worth its salt is doing what it can to ride through these troubled times.

I think it's termed 'damage limitation', and I suspect a few will go to the wall.



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Aug 17, 2007
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matengawhat:wouldn't it be better to sell at slightly less and take a hit on percentage profits short term in the hope of increasin volume at least that way you keep all your workforce employed and the infrastructure running than increasing prices and reducing demand for your products

I take it you ARE aware of the 'credit crunch'? People are losing their jobs. Companies are 'cutting back' or folding alltogether. Im pretty sure each and every company worth its salt is doing what it can to ride through these troubled times.

i think you missed my point! rising prices in this economic situation is not the best solution - if someone was thinking about buying your product and all of a sudden in goes up by 30% its fair to say that if its not an essential purchase and hifi isn't that the majority of ppl looking at that product will now look elsewhere for something more competative.

increasing prices does not automatically mean you are going to stay in business! if you double your prices but sell half as much you have gained nothing in real terms unless you sacked half your work force and can now manage making less - what i was saying is that now is the time to be more competative and i don't think some of the prices rises are justified to the extent that has been implemented. As a side note a lot of the businesses that have gone to the wall were unprofitable long before the credit crunch ever started.


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I do not understand why kit made abroad is not getting cheaper. I know raw material costs have gone up, but wages generally have not and as the pound is weaker imported goods should be cheaper. I have bought a USB cable from Germany and headphones from Austria. both at less than the What hifi buyers guide price listing.


It costs more sterling to import since the pound is weaker against the euro, not less sterling.


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Nov 23, 2007
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matengawhat: As a side note a lot of the businesses that have gone to the wall were unprofitable long before the credit crunch ever started.

I agree entirely. The company I used to work for was having big problems for a year or so before ( lack of orders, rising raw material and energy prices and increased competition ) and were really struggling. The upshot was that in January they went to the wall.

This is happening across the whole spectrum of industry including Hi-Fi and I think a lot of companies are still struggling to make a profit.


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Mar 29, 2009
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Try buying HiFi kit in Australia....

If you are bored... check out the lack of Cyrus gear on Ebay Australia!

I would love to be able to pay UK prices.




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Oct 16, 2008
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hi fi newbie:It costs more sterling to import since the pound is weaker against the euro, not less sterling.

And against the dollar, the yen, the dong, in fact just about every currency except Iceland's! Which is not altogether surprising...


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