Hi-fi male dominated?

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With anyone how they want to live but me personally find it funny and a few gay friends i have except me like that. They know im not being horrible to them and i dont treat them with any bad feelings but when my one gay south african friend came to stay over a few days i fell on the floor crying with laughter as he wore his bath towel around his chest like a women. He just said shut up you *****. No hard feelings
Gazzip said:
Vladimir said:
We should work on reducing bullying then.

Which would solve four of the serious world issues you identify. Possibly five of the issues if you consider hunger a factor resulting from the four issues caused by mankind. Think it's gonna happen?

I don't give a hoot what people do as long as there is no wider effect. My cousin is gay and she has married another woman. They have both been through IVF, both got pregnant within a month of one another, and now both have young babies. That really pi**es me off. Not because of their lesbian relationship, that as I say is their call. I worry for the wellbeing of those kids in the future and the living hell they may have to endure when they reach school age.

Like I say, test and prove. Don't just do.

Shut up you *****.*


*no hard feelings.
Vladimir said:
Gazzip said:
Vladimir said:
We should work on reducing bullying then.

Which would solve four of the serious world issues you identify. Possibly five of the issues if you consider hunger a factor resulting from the four issues caused by mankind. Think it's gonna happen?

I don't give a hoot what people do as long as there is no wider effect. My cousin is gay and she has married another woman. They have both been through IVF, both got pregnant within a month of one another, and now both have young babies. That really pi**es me off. Not because of their lesbian relationship, that as I say is their call. I worry for the wellbeing of those kids in the future and the living hell they may have to endure when they reach school age.

Like I say, test and prove. Don't just do.

Shut up you *****.*

*no hard feelings.

This is one of the areas where myself and my elderly parents disagree. I don't have a problem with same-sex couples raising children. I don't know many gay couples, but the few I do know seem to be able to keep a relationship going stronger than most hetro couples I know (actually that should be 'known' because most have split), and I think they would offer a loving harmonious home. As always, it's intolerance that's the problem.
Gazzip said:
Vladimir said:
Nothing in nature is unatural. Breast implants are no less 'unatural' than insulin shots or a prosthetic limb. Whatever makes your life better without worsening others, have it.

A bit more flexible worldview and there wont be any eggshels or worries. *i-m_so_happy*

The thing is that we don't actually know whether this type of behaviour will worsen the lives of others 'cos we haven't tested the effect it may have on our species/society over time. We have just been bullied in to accepting it.

You are someone who looks for empirical/scientific evidence before accepting anything and yet you have a flexible worldview on this? You sir are a hypocrite.

Ah yes, like we do for hetero couples and single parents. I suspect if we did the kind of testing you propose one would have to reach the conclusion that hetero parents and single parents posed too great a risk of messing up their kids. The studies I've seen seem to say the kids of same sex parents are no worse off. The biggest problem is from bigots who persecute them for it. But hey, that's their fault for having same sex parents and the bigots are just reacting naturally, therefore it's the fault of the same sex parents, God forbid the bigots have to change at all.

I think you're just too thin skinned and have a gut (natural) reaction to anything unfamiliar to your narrow range of experience. It's normal, even natural, to fear the other. It's just not necessarily good or beneficial. It served our primitive ancestors well, but is past its usefulness now. Your arguments that we have to continue to discriminate against minorities and make their live miserable because that's what we've always done and to do otherwise would somehow destroy our wonderful culture and civilization is bizarre. Our culture is stronger than that and is capable of changing and improving without being destroyed. Stop trying to rationalize your irrational fears and inability to cope with change, let alone change yourself at all.
ID. said:
Gazzip said:
Vladimir said:
Nothing in nature is unatural. Breast implants are no less 'unatural' than insulin shots or a prosthetic limb. Whatever makes your life better without worsening others, have it.

A bit more flexible worldview and there wont be any eggshels or worries. *i-m_so_happy*

The thing is that we don't actually know whether this type of behaviour will worsen the lives of others 'cos we haven't tested the effect it may have on our species/society over time. We have just been bullied in to accepting it.

You are someone who looks for empirical/scientific evidence before accepting anything and yet you have a flexible worldview on this? You sir are a hypocrite.

Ah yes, like we do for hetero couples and single parents. I suspect if we did the kind of testing you propose one would have to reach the conclusion that hetero parents and single parents posed too great a risk of messing up their kids. The studies I've seen seem to say the kids of same sex parents are no worse off. The biggest problem is from bigots who persecute them for it. But hey, that's their fault for having same sex parents and the bigots are just reacting naturally, therefore it's the fault of the same sex parents, God forbid the bigots have to change at all.

I think you're just too thin skinned and have a gut (natural) reaction to anything unfamiliar to your narrow range of experience. It's normal, even natural, to fear the other. It's just not necessarily good or beneficial. It served our primitive ancestors well, but is past its usefulness now. Your arguments that we have to continue to discriminate against minorities and make their live miserable because that's what we've always done and to do otherwise would somehow destroy our wonderful culture and civilization is bizarre. Our culture is stronger than that and is capable of changing and improving without being destroyed. Stop trying to rationalize your irrational fears and inability to cope with change, let alone change yourself at all.

You demonstrate a complete misunderstanding of my point, which is that we should not undo centuries of social and cultural development in a few decades. That is not narrow mindedness. That is common sense. Not a popular argument in some circles I am sure, but nevertheless valid.
It's better to have children adopted by same sex couples rather than left orphans, or given to unsuitable hetero couples.

Being a mother and a father is a social role after first biological closeness of the birth mother and child ends. And parenting is division of labor, it's not necessarily tied up with gender. Two parents may manage better than a single parent, regardless of gender, exactly because of this division of labor (parenting roles, income, housekeeping, schooling, pastime etc.). No reason why a child can't have two fathers or two mothers as long as they are well organized in that division, providing their child all the nurture it needs. Only problem with this is what gazz pointed out, what would others say with their judgemental eyes and bullying tongues.

Wanting ideal families in this world is not only pedantic or naive, it's insane. Just get as many homeless kids a place to live and a protector to lead their early journey in life. That is all.
Vladimir said:
It's better to have children adopted by same sex couples rather than left orphans, or given to unsuitable hetero couples.

Being a mother and a father is a social role after first biological closeness of the birth mother and child ends. And parenting is division of labor, it's not necessarily tied up with gender. Two parents may manage better than a single parent, regardless of gender, exactly because of this division of labor (parenting roles, income, housekeeping, schooling, pastime etc.). No reason why a child can't have two fathers or two mothers as long as they are well organized in that division, providing their child all the nurture it needs. Only problem with this is what gazz pointed out, what would others say with their judgemental eyes and bullying tongues.

Wanting ideal families in this world is not only pedantic or naive, it's insane. Just get as many homeless kids a place to live and a protector to lead their early journey in life. That is all.

This is the number one priority, nothing else matters.


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