Hi-fi male dominated?

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keeper of the quays said:
ok..im on google..er? Andean regional initiative? Allotments regeneration imitative? Lol..asia research institute (Korea?) maybe association regionals pour l'lintegration? If none of above? I'm stumped?

Also known as the AQI or the upward inflection. And you're doing it again! ;-)
spiny norman said:
keeper of the quays said:
Just did a test albeit not very scientific? I listened to jamiroquai.."sweet tequila brown" on my hifi loved it! Life affirming song plus very funky tune! Then I put on my girlfriends coat! Listened to it again..wasnt much fussed! Started noticing how untidy my hifi was! Then did the housework.put on beef casserole in slow cooker..and made a list of to do stuff for myself at the weekend? Mmm..is it a woman's coat? I know it sounds absurd..but as soon as I removed coat, I was back to normal again? When all these women were milling around your shop looking at hifi and probably wondering 'That's going to be difficult to keep clean!' Were they wearing coats? Just wondered....

Now try walking a mile in her shoes, and see how you feel.

Which ones?

There are rather a lot to choose from I'm afraid...*unknw*

Opps, better go, the princess needs some attention.
davedotco said:
Which ones?

There are rather a lot to choose from I'm afraid...*unknw*

The higher the heels the better, for the ultimate effect.

davedotco said:
Opps, better go, the princess needs some attention.

Kudos to you for keeping it running – most of them were scrapped years ago.
spiny norman said:
keeper of the quays said:
ok..im on google..er? Andean regional initiative? Allotments regeneration imitative? Lol..asia research institute (Korea?) maybe association regionals pour l'lintegration? If none of above? I'm stumped?

Also known as the AQI or the upward inflection. And you're doing it again! ;-)
I looked at the link, not good.seems it's frowned upon! What to do?
Blacksabbath25 said:
I try to get my wife interest in what I am doing but she doesn't understand she only looks at it as music playing and that's it as she seems to come a across its boring and half listening to what I am talking about or what I am trying to do . She has her hobbies and I am meant to listen to her about hers but I find hers boring too . But my little girl takes an interest she came with me yesterday to richer sounds to pick up my speakers she loved it at least I have a 6 year old who will listen to me

My little girl loves daddy's hifi. We sit and listen to the Frozen soundtrack together, sometimes for hours and hours, although she looks at me blankly when I try to explain that "Let it Go" is over produced in comparison with the other tracks on the album. She is only two and a half...
Women listen to music and enjoy just as much.
What man goes into a night club - hears a song and goes straight to the dance floor.

Us men listen and focus on hardware more and how it performing.
Andrewjvt said:
Women listen to music and enjoy just as much. What man goes into a night club - hears a song and goes straight to the dance floor.

Us men listen and focus on hardware more and how it performing.

By "hardware" in a nighclub scenario do you mean "women", and by "listen and focus" do you mean "drink and stare"?
Gazzip said:
Andrewjvt said:
Women listen to music and enjoy just as much. What man goes into a night club - hears a song and goes straight to the dance floor.

Us men listen and focus on hardware more and how it performing.

By "hardware" in a nighclub scenario do you mean "women", and by "listen and focus" do you mean "drink and stare"?
Ja mon
Andrewjvt said:
Gazzip said:
Andrewjvt said:
Women listen to music and enjoy just as much. What man goes into a night club - hears a song and goes straight to the dance floor.

Us men listen and focus on hardware more and how it performing.

By "hardware" in a nighclub scenario do you mean "women", and by "listen and focus" do you mean "drink and stare"?
Ja mon

...and I think we ALL know what you mean by "performing".
What are they like?

Mrs DDC bought me a present today (really)...!

Mosh pit tickets to Muse next week, I'm thinking - wow!

If I buy a present for MrsDDC, she's thinking - what has he been up to now?
davedotco said:
What are they like?


Mrs DDC bought me a present today (really)...!

Mosh pit tickets to Muse next week, I'm thinking - wow!


If I buy a present for MrsDDC, she's thinking - what has he been up to now?

Her get away with it for muse
Andrewjvt said:
Women listen to music and enjoy just as much. What man goes into a night club - hears a song and goes straight to the dance floor.

Us men listen and focus on hardware more and how it performing.

I do.
spiny norman said:
keeper of the quays said:
it's called having a laugh?

I know: hence the sore feet joke. Good use of the ARI, BTW.
what I noticed about you spiny is your very funny and quick with it, what do you do for a living? Or if your retired? What did you do? If it's not too personal a question.
jjbomber said:
davedotco said:
Mrs DDC bought me a present today (really)...!

She's crashed the car!!!

Unlikely, she's a much better driver than I am...*good*

She is a bit of an old 'rock chick' and Muse have been her favourite band for some time. Haven't seen them since the Teignmouth gig in 2009.

We are in the auditorium surrounding the stage, top standing/dancing tickets, so as close as we can get.
eggontoast said:
Edbo2 said:
Why does the subject seem to be exclusive to men.

Probably because most women have loads of friends and a decent social life.

More likely because they can't go a nanosecond without uttering some inconsequential twaddle about what some other woman said to her about the woman down the street's latest shoes or handbag or.... so they can't hear the bloody hifi to begin with.

Earphones + lock on the inside of the media room door. Bliss.
eggontoast said:
Edbo2 said:
Why does the subject seem to be exclusive to men.

Probably because most women have loads of friends and a decent social life.

The last quote has cheered me up! Women also make some sort of effort to grow up. not that don't have toys (not under the pillow - I was thinking more in the kitchen.) Why buy stereo gear when you could buy several pairs of shoes anyway?
lindsayt said:
Andrewjvt said:
Women listen to music and enjoy just as much. What man goes into a night club - hears a song and goes straight to the dance floor.

Us men listen and focus on hardware more and how it performing.

I do.

A man jumping on dance floor or women listening to equipment?

No offence intended btw
Sexual harrassment and sexism. This is the reason for womens to avoid all those male dominated hobbies. You can't be a woman without taking the risk to be brutally remembered as inferior species, treated differently, or, worse, to be remembered as a sexual tool. I had my lot of bad experiences with that, and it's better to stay hidden. Trust me on that.

As male, your opinion is simply more worth in a hifi community.
NSA_watch_my_toilet said:
Sexual harrassment and sexism. This is the reason for womens to avoid all those male dominated hobbies. You can't be a woman without taking the risk to be brutally remembered as inferior species, treated differently, or, worse, to be remembered as a sexual tool. I had my lot of bad experiences with that, and it's better to stay hidden. Trust me on that.

As male, your opinion is simply more worth in a hifi community.

Whatever you say love.

NSA_watch_my_toilet said:
Sexual harrassment and sexism. This is the reason for womens to avoid all those male dominated hobbies. You can't be a woman without taking the risk to be brutally remembered as inferior species, treated differently, or, worse, to be remembered as a sexual tool. I had my lot of bad experiences with that, and it's better to stay hidden. Trust me on that.

As male, your opinion is simply more worth in a hifi community.

I'm really not sure that's true on an internet forum. For a start most people on here use a monika not a gender-identifying user name, there's no obvious way of knowing who's male or female unless they choose to disclose their gender in a post. In these liberal times in Britain it's not even necessarily a giveaway when a poster talks about their wife, because in this country same-sex couples can get married.


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