Hi-fi male dominated?

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NSA_watch_my_toilet said:
Sexual harrassment and sexism. This is the reason for womens to avoid all those male dominated hobbies. You can't be a woman without taking the risk to be brutally remembered as inferior species, treated differently, or, worse, to be remembered as a sexual tool. I had my lot of bad experiences with that, and it's better to stay hidden. Trust me on that.

As male, your opinion is simply more worth in a hifi community.

Not to me it isn't.

It's what the person says that counts. Not the gender of the person saying it.
MajorFubar said:
NSA_watch_my_toilet said:
Sexual harrassment and sexism. This is the reason for womens to avoid all those male dominated hobbies. You can't be a woman without taking the risk to be brutally remembered as inferior species, treated differently, or, worse, to be remembered as a sexual tool. I had my lot of bad experiences with that, and it's better to stay hidden. Trust me on that.

As male, your opinion is simply more worth in a hifi community.

I'm really not sure that's true on an internet forum. For a start most people on here use a monika not a gender-identifying user name, there's no obvious way of knowing who's male or female unless they choose to disclose their gender in a post. In these liberal times in Britain it's not even necessarily a giveaway when a poster talks about their wife, because in this country same-sex couples can get married.

Who's Monika? Isn't it usually spelled Monica? 😉

This forum doesn't seem too bad, but I have noticed there is sometimes different treatment of poster if people work out from their monikers or otherwise that they are women. Mostly harmless, but jokes that wouldn't be used with male posters could understandably be off putting.

That's not to say there isn't sexism on other forums or by dealers.
Is it because women don’t want to trouble their fluffy little heads with such things. Probably too busy thinking about shoes, handbags, puppies, knitting or baking. Or maybe just too busy in the kitchen?

My wife is going to kill me for this!
Its true it is male dominated. People who say women don't go on fora is not true, I used to belong to other fora where there were lots of women, just look at photography or travel fora.

There were a few women on here, 2 lasted about 2 posts and the other works in the hifi industry. On other hifi fora I have not noticed any women.
ID. said:
Who's Monika? Isn't it usually spelled Monica? 😉

Sorry I have the absolute mother of all hangovers, totally self inflicted so I don't expect sympathy, normal typing quality will resume tomorrow probably. 🙂
Vladimir said:
I know a lot of female and male idiots, sensible and not. I don't see how gender has anything to do with it.

Why do boys and girls form separate peer groups in mixed school cortyards? Do you tell your daughter to hang out in boys predominant groups at an early age? Do you tell your son to hang out in girls predominant groups at a young age? Why are there single gender schools?

Gender based cultural segregation is enforced at an early age and its nurture, not nature. As a result of what are macrosocial procreational and educational policies, we get gender based hobbies. Boys play with technology and war, girls play house with mom and housewife stuff. Fastforward few decades later, men play with guns, cars, bikes, videogames, Hi-Fi and HT. Women play with shoes, bags, cosmetics, interior decorating, gardening, knitting. I don't see any geneder being more mature than the other. Just different (that word again).

If a woman joins a hifi forum or club, as soon as the construction site mannered whistling and commenting calms down, many will think, is she a tomboy, a lesbian? If a man joins a knitting club, as soon as the cheering and positive enforcement commenting calms down, many will think, is he a bit feminine, or gay?

From personal experience all women I've seen in this hobby are drop-in's due to a husband/bf, even an ex, or simply employed in the industry in some capacity (journalist, hostess, owner). I have yet to meet a female audiophile.

Spot on !

A very good post indeed .*good*
I know a lot of female and male idiots, sensible and not. I don't see how gender has anything to do with it.

Why do boys and girls form separate peer groups in mixed school cortyards? Do you tell your daughter to hang out in boys predominant groups at an early age? Do you tell your son to hang out in girls predominant groups at a young age? Why are there single gender schools?

Gender based cultural segregation is enforced at an early age and its nurture, not nature. As a result of what are macrosocial procreational and educational policies, we get gender based hobbies. Boys play with technology and war, girls play house with mom and housewife stuff. Fastforward few decades later, men play with guns, cars, bikes, videogames, Hi-Fi and HT. Women play with shoes, bags, cosmetics, interior decorating, gardening, knitting. I don't see any geneder being more mature than the other, just different (that word again) because it is stimulated to be different.

If a woman joins a hifi forum or club, as soon as the construction site mannered whistling and commenting calms down, many will think, is she a tomboy, a lesbian? If a man joins a knitting club, as soon as the cheering and positive enforcement commenting calms down, many will think, is he a bit feminine, or gay?

From personal experience all women I've seen in this hobby are drop-in's due to a husband/bf, even an ex, or simply employed in the industry in some capacity (journalist, hostess, owner). I have yet to meet a female audiophile.
AntAxon said:
Is it because women don’t want to trouble their fluffy little heads with such things. Probably too busy thinking about shoes, handbags, puppies, knitting or baking. Or maybe just too busy in the kitchen?

My wife is going to kill me for this!

Well I like shoes (I have way to many pairs and love shpping for them) and I love hi-fi.
People who say females can not be audiophiles are iditos. Just because they would rather be listening to their equipment than talking about it with strangers does not mean that they are any less into it. After reading some of the comments on here it's no wonder we don't get many females posting here.
Vladimir said:
I know a lot of female and male idiots, sensible and not. I don't see how gender has anything to do with it.

Why do boys and girls form separate peer groups in mixed school cortyards? Do you tell your daughter to hang out in boys predominant groups at an early age? Do you tell your son to hang out in girls predominant groups at a young age? Why are there single gender schools?

Gender based cultural segregation is enforced at an early age and its nurture, not nature. As a result of what are macrosocial procreational and educational policies, we get gender based hobbies. Boys play with technology and war, girls play house with mom and housewife stuff. Fastforward few decades later, men play with guns, cars, bikes, videogames, Hi-Fi and HT. Women play with shoes, bags, cosmetics, interior decorating, gardening, knitting. I don't see any geneder being more mature than the other, just different (that word again) because it is stimulated to be different.

If a woman joins a hifi forum or club, as soon as the construction site mannered whistling and commenting calms down, many will think, is she a tomboy, a lesbian? If a man joins a knitting club, as soon as the cheering and positive enforcement commenting calms down, many will think, is he a bit feminine, or gay?

From personal experience all women I've seen in this hobby are drop-in's due to a husband/bf, even an ex, or simply employed in the industry in some capacity (journalist, hostess, owner). I have yet to meet a female audiophile.

+1 exactly what I wanted to say but I pussy-footed around the outskirts of it for fear of being called sexist. Additionally, I very much doubt there are similar threads to this one in forums dominated by females asking why there are so few male contributors.
Vladimir said:
I know a lot of female and male idiots, sensible and not. I don't see how gender has anything to do with it.

Why do boys and girls form separate peer groups in mixed school cortyards? Do you tell your daughter to hang out in boys predominant groups at an early age? Do you tell your son to hang out in girls predominant groups at a young age? Why are there single gender schools?

Gender based cultural segregation is enforced at an early age and its nurture, not nature. As a result of what are macrosocial procreational and educational policies, we get gender based hobbies. Boys play with technology and war, girls play house with mom and housewife stuff. Fastforward few decades later, men play with guns, cars, bikes, videogames, Hi-Fi and HT. Women play with shoes, bags, cosmetics, interior decorating, gardening, knitting. I don't see any geneder being more mature than the other, just different (that word again) because it is stimulated to be different.

If a woman joins a hifi forum or club, as soon as the construction site mannered whistling and commenting calms down, many will think, is she a tomboy, a lesbian? If a man joins a knitting club, as soon as the cheering and positive enforcement commenting calms down, many will think, is he a bit feminine, or gay?

From personal experience all women I've seen in this hobby are drop-in's due to a husband/bf, even an ex, or simply employed in the industry in some capacity (journalist, hostess, owner). I have yet to meet a female audiophile.

I see your sensible post -

and raise you one Enid Lumley...*blum3*
Some have commented that women and men's brains are different.

Brother's girlfriend when hearing the pips on the radio:

"What's that noise?"

They say men are lazier but It takes effort to be obssesive doesn't it?

(When a young nephew's chocolate covered hands were moving toward my amp's volume control, the family had never seen me move so fast)

Apparently women think it funny that men store CDs alphabetically. When their ripped CDs get stored from A-Z it must come as an annoying mystery to women as to why that would happen. And why the need to obsess over the correct album art. After all, it don't matter if CDs are in the wrong cases does it?
spiny norman said:
Vladimir said:
simply employed in the industry in some capacity (journalist, hostess, owner)

There are hi-fi hostesses?

In some shops and on expos. More common practice in Asia.

ID. said:
MajorFubar said:
This forum doesn't seem too bad, but I have noticed there is sometimes different treatment of poster if people work out from their monikers or otherwise that they are women. Mostly harmless, but jokes that wouldn't be used with male posters could understandably be off putting.

That's not to say there isn't sexism on other forums or by dealers.



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