I know a lot of female and male idiots, sensible and not. I don't see how gender has anything to do with it.
Why do boys and girls form separate peer groups in mixed school cortyards? Do you tell your daughter to hang out in boys predominant groups at an early age? Do you tell your son to hang out in girls predominant groups at a young age? Why are there single gender schools?
Gender based cultural segregation is enforced at an early age and its nurture, not nature. As a result of what are macrosocial procreational and educational policies, we get gender based hobbies. Boys play with technology and war, girls play house with mom and housewife stuff. Fastforward few decades later, men play with guns, cars, bikes, videogames, Hi-Fi and HT. Women play with shoes, bags, cosmetics, interior decorating, gardening, knitting. I don't see any geneder being more mature than the other, just different (that word again) because it is stimulated to be different.
If a woman joins a hifi forum or club, as soon as the construction site mannered whistling and commenting calms down, many will think, is she a tomboy, a lesbian? If a man joins a knitting club, as soon as the cheering and positive enforcement commenting calms down, many will think, is he a bit feminine, or gay?
From personal experience all women I've seen in this hobby are drop-in's due to a husband/bf, even an ex, or simply employed in the industry in some capacity (journalist, hostess, owner). I have yet to meet a female audiophile.