Let's be honest Fries, there's a place for cheap brands and a place for esoteric brands sold by DavidF and Musicraft and if I ever was in their neck of the woods and I'm looking seriously to upgrade, I'm more than happy to buy a Hegal (Norwegian) or Kinki (Chinese) from them, because these guys know their stuff and are passionate about HiFi and there's always a cup of tea and biscuits and chin wagging, all part of the wonderful experience you get going into a dealership 🙂Something they share with many other brands.
It's a lot more rewarding than buying a Chinese clone 'knock off' on AliExpress (I know wrong thread!), people looking to buy cheap are not usually in the right mindset to buy something more expensive, that is why there's a perpetuation, selling and buying cheap stuff but if you take stock of what you're actually doing(?), you're wasting heap loads of money, the money you could have saved, could have brought you that expensive speaker you always wanted, sort of ironic.
Buying cheap is transitory, buying from a dealership is a long term investment and ultimately, much more rewarding.
When I started the other thread, I was really playing the devil's advocate, just wanted to gauge peoples reaction and it did get meaty hee hee, just like my cable thread. Sometimes stirring the hornets nest and getting stung, brings home the issues, are at times derisive but it can also be a means to gain knowledge and a chance to re-evaluate one's own dogmas and prejudices.
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