Help with set up HIFI and Denon dp300


New member
Jan 9, 2017
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Hi Guys,

Bit of confusion with the set up i've chosen

Decided to go for:

- Denon dm40 with scm40 speakers

- Denon DP300

My questions are - can I buy premade wire, about 1.5m to connect all that? Also, what wire will I need to connect my PC to the hifi so I can use the SCM40 speakers with the PC?

Secondly, Do I just run the wires for the speakers into the hifi, the pc cable into the hifi then run a cable from the dp300 to the hifi?

Its the cables that are causing the confusion :)
Based on a bit of googlage about your products, I've concluded this:-

1. The turntable has a built in phono stage, so should have a twin phono cable that plugs straight into your aux socket on the dm40.

2. The pc cannot be connect by USB, as the denon lacks that facility. You could try a headphone socket ( probably 3.5mm) to two RCA/phono cable, but that will need the same socket you just used for the record player.

3. You might be able to connect the PC optically as the input exists, but I'd not like to say as I dont know the details. What does your dealer suggest?

You do run the cables as you describe. The Speakers are powered by the dm40.

Only part of your answer, I'm afraid, but I'm sure someone else will be along soon. Welcome to the forum!


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