HELP choosing the right screen size......


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Aug 10, 2019
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Hello all,

I am in the process of "deciding" on a TV (almost finalised the W4500, but waiting for the response from JAPAN)

Anyways, please help me by recommending the right screen size for my new Tele.

I will be going for a wall mount, and the distance from the wall to my sofa is 10 to 11 feet exactly.

My viewing preferences will be 80% SD and 20 % HD - (HD goes higher as new contents are available)

Please help me.......I don't want to see blurring / noise (specially on SD)

Thanks in advance...


Hello Sagar,

I think the best (and cheapest) bet would be to look for THX optimiser 2.0



I'd say 40" to 42" would be about right - no larger if you don't want to see any pixellation on SD sources.

As per advise of "Stuffsurfer" I had a look at the said link (recommendation of WHF for Ideal Viewing Distances)

They recommend 3.06 meters for a 46" Tele and 3.33 meters for 50 or 52" Tele.

Now the distance I gave was 10 to 11 Feet (which equates to 3.048 to 3.352 meters)

Do you still suggest a 40 or 42" Tele ????

Thank you all.......


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Oct 16, 2008
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"Optimise your AV Receiver".

He he, love those Jazz-hands Clare! :)

Actually does anyone know if those THX specs are available in the UK, rather than ordering them through the THX website, seeing as the shipping is potentially 5 times the price of the actual glasses! Mind you I can't even remember seeing the color and tint menus on my optimiser discs, although I've probably just skipped them in the past.


These are minium distances so be careful of encroahing right on them, especially with the amount of SD material you are watching - source will be all important. Also consider placement and how wide the room is, you may be 3 metres back from the screen but does the TV take up half the wall it is on? do you want it to?

I would definately not go higher than a 46" at this viewing distance and would likely go less but thats personal preference. You need to check how comfortable you are looking at a 46" from 3 metres - its a big sized tele. If you are fine then go with a 46" and even try out a 50" but you need to check with your own eyes.

If you are looking for advice then 42" would be my preference but I don't think the sony do a 42" W or Z 4500 so I would incldue the 40" sonys in my short list to compare to other brand 42s - from my viewing they really are that good that I could perhaps not miss the extra 2".

Also, are there any pioneer 42" plasmas left? I think these were rated as one of the best TV's ever so if you can track one down then make sure you do.


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Dec 28, 2007
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Well, it is just my suggestion, not fact - I know that from about 8 to 9 feet from my 42", I can still detect some pixellation (only very little mind) so thought therefore at 10 to 11 feet, it should be okay.
Of course, I guess a lot is going to be dependent on the TV and how good it is with SD - I'd imagine one of the new top Pioneer sets would be fine from my viewing distance, but I have a nearly 3 year old Panasonic...


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Aug 20, 2008
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It'll depend on the quality of the TV as well. I sit about 11 to 12 feet away from my 50" PDP-LX5090 plasma with no problems, but it is very good with SD broadcasts via my V+ box. I reckon I could sit a foot or two nearer without the picture degrading.


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